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Phantasm (1979)
jonahstewartvaughan11 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Phantasm (1979)


Made on a very low budget, Phantasm has a lot going for it.

For one thing it crea a unique and ominous or even foreboding atmosphere that feels otherworldly in its presence and the ambiguity only adds to said sense of dread.

While a lot of the acting doesn't hold up, one thing is for certain, Angus Scrimm as the main antagonist, The Tall Man is still an amazing performance that whenever he's on screen it's so commanding,imposing and intimidating.

The effects are pretty solid for the time,moreso I find in the gore department, especially given the low budget but much can seem kind of goofy like the little creatures that chase our heroes around.

The score is also very solid as it sets the tone perfectly for the events that are about the unfold.

The set design is also notable because when we see the inside of the mortuary where The Tall Man conducts his work we see a very clean and empty space that feels almost alien and the world presented briefly in the accidental fall through the gateway is such a unique experience as it's like a barren wasteland that gives enough information while also posing more questions and raising the sense of ambiguity.

It is still also a truly fascinating and unique film even today given its presentation, unique atmosphere and stellar performance from Angus Scrimm.

It's a great little film that all in all, with its flaws still can be a great chiller given the right mood.

Highly recommended.
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A Weird and Original Cult Movie
claudio_carvalho23 December 2012
After the death of Tommy (Bill Cone), who was stabbed by a woman at the cemetery, Jody (Bill Thornbury) and his friend Reggie (Reggie Bannister) attend the funeral at the Morningside funeral home. Jody is followed by his teenage brother Mike (Michael Baldwin), who has just lost his parents and is afraid of losing his big brother that intends to travel.

Mike snoops around the cemetery and sees the mortician known as The Tall Man (Angus Scrimm) carrying Tommy's coffin alone without any help. Mike breaks in the mortuary to investigate the mystery and discovers weird dwarf creatures with yellow blood and dangerous flying spheres that protect the location. When he is chased by The Tall Man, he cuts his finger and brings it home to show Jody to convince his big brother that there is a dark secret in the mortuary. Jody, Reggie and Mike discover that The Tall Man is from outer space and is transforming dead bodies in dwarfs to work as slave in his world. Now they decide that The Tall Man must be destroyed. Will they succeed in their intent?

"Phantasm" is one of the most weird and original cult movies that I have ever seen. The surrealistic and dreamlike story entwines horror with sci-fi with many twists and bizarre characters and situations.

I saw "Phantasm" for the first time on VHS in the early 80's and I have just seen it again on DVD and surprisingly the film has not aged, only the clothing, the hair style and the special effects. But for fans like me, it is still attractive and entertaining. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Fantasma" ("Phantasm")

Note: On 28 April 2023, I saw this film again.
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Another Horror Classic, And With Good Reason
gavin69425 March 2007
A teenage boy (Michael Baldwin) stumbles upon a plot by a very tall mortuary worker (Angus Scrimm) to steal dead bodies and turn them into midget slaves for an alien world. With the help of his older brother (Bill Thornberry), the boy hopes to cut the tall man down to size.

Many years later, Don Coscarelli is now seen as a master of horror and Angus Scrimm somewhat of a horror icon (though to a lesser degree than, say, Robert Englund). While the plot I have outlined above may sound silly, the actual execution of this idea makes it clear why this film has really lodged itself in horror history and spawned numerous sequels (all starring Scrimm).

This film captures the feeling of the late 1970s and early 1980s horror with the young boy stumbling upon a plot of large, sinister proportions. Horror geared towards the youth of a generation who have parents who may not believe them (or in this case, an older brother). I really like this theme, much like "The Goonies", "The Monster Squad" and "Lost Boys" -- a kid's film without being childish.

"Phantasm" has become known for the silver balls, and believe me -- when Angus Scrimm puts one of his balls in your face, you won't be happy about it. A bloody mess is all you will get! I really enjoyed the effect of this (remember, this is 1979 when effects still took some creativity). Some of the tricks they pull off are impressive considering computer technology of the day, and also considering Coscarelli himself was writing and directing at the unthinkably young age of 23.

Now, some things I did not understand. For example, why are the midgets bleeding macaroni and cheese instead of blood? And more importantly, why does the tall man have to transform into a woman to stab people in the cemetery? If he is super strong and has those silver balls, he really does not have to be very sneaky about the whole ordeal, does he? But these are issues that can always be addressed in sequels.

Some of the acting is cheesy -- people deliver their lines in a way that sounds forced, and Jody (the older brother) looks like he belongs behind the wheel of the General Lee. And Michael spends half the film looking like a girl. (I have met the entire cast, and I can assure you that Baldwin grew out of this phase.)

But, seriously, check this film out. Created roughly in the same time period as "Halloween", you are left with a similar feeling. Only this one is more light-hearted and "feel good" and less "the embodiment of evil". I suppose it depends on your personal taste or your mood for the day. Myself, I like a little bit of the unusual thrown in to a movie just to keep me guessing. And, edging out "Halloween", this may be the longest-running horror franchise, running from 1979 through 2016 (37 years!).

Over the years, "Phantasm" has been released in a variety of ways, but I think the definitive release finally exists thanks to Well Go USA. I asked Coscarelli why he went with Well Go (known for their martial arts movies) rather than Arrow Video or Scream Factory, and his answer was quite simple -- they had the most enthusiasm. And they have put together a nice package, too. The remastered Blu-ray looks sharp. WGN host and super-phan Nick Digilio screened it in Chicago in August 2016 and audiences were shocked to see individual raindrops. The new scan is better than the original print. The disc also contains a vintage interview with Coscarelli and Scrimm circa 1979, and an episode of "Graveyard Carz" where Coscarelli and Baldwin drive around in a Barracuda tribute car.
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A Start . . .
jaywolfenstien15 September 2004
Phantasm is one of those movies where you have to look beyond the constraints of a non-existent-budget sci-fi/horror flick to see underlying talent. The film suffers from some hammed up acting, classical 1970s character naivety, make-shift and jimmy-rigged special effects that don't quite work, a score that might as well be a series of MIDI files, and a plot that's all but coherent; however, Phantasm maintains a certain original charm and resourcefulness that larger budget films frequently lack.

The above paragraph really isn't a complaint (despite how it may sound). On the contrary, I'm impressed with what director Don Coscarelli managed to accomplish with the hand dealt to him. Phantasm could have been an utterly forgettable film on all levels, but instead he managed to leave a number of positive impressions.

For one, the frame composition and some key scene transitions transcend budgetary implications (in particular, the Tall Man in the cemetery and the Tall Man slow-motion shot by Reggie's ice cream truck come to mind).

Fred Myrow also comes to the forefront with intriguing and memorable synthetic score. My only complaint on the music is the synthesizer it was performed on sounds like an old 80386 game. Still, the notes played transcends the quality of the instrument it's played on.

Phantasm's trademark bladed sphere effect, however, did genuinely bother me when they stuck into their victim's skulls. The fact that the soon-to-be-dead have no physical reaction after being slapped in the forehead with a fastball goes beyond my ability to suspend disbelief, and to my dismay the effect has never been amended in later sequels. A simple flinch is all that's needed to sell the effect! Something tells me that the effect, as it stands, is part of the Phantasm trademark, part of the Phantasm charm (for the cult followers anyway), and won't ever get a more realistic edge.

Minor silly plot elements aside (Jawa grave robbers, anyone?), my only major gripe deals with the sheer open endedness of the Phantasm universe (vastly exploited in later sequels.) Phantasm is not unlike a comic book, where nothing that happens seems significant since a character can so easily wake up to another reality. Anarchy governs the Phantasm series, no rules apply so reality, fantasy, and parallel universes co-exist in such a fashion that nothing seems to matter anymore. It's like playing a game with Coscarelli in which we must abide by the rules he sets down, and he sets the rules down as he goes when situations apply to him. Why bother playing? Why care?

Still, the film has its charms, and there's something fun in the sinister eye-brow raising and growling Tall Man played effectively by Angus Scrimm. I'd caught bits of Phantasm 3 in the past, and came into this film expecting to hate the Tall Man and this entire franchise, yet I found myself grinning at each of his lines.

I say if someone can look below a cheap and cheesy surface, Phantasm is full of a pleasant surprises.
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The Chrome Sphere is 70s classic
macabro3577 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers
There are two things that stand out in this film. The Tall Man (played by Angus Scrimm) and the chrome sphere with hook-like blades that stick out of it. Those are the two main elements when it comes to this horror series directed by Don Coscarelli. The Tall Man comes from another dimension where he takes some of the earth's dead back to his home planet, reincarnates them and turns them into slaves for his world. He even occasionally murders some earth people in order to speed things up. Why wait for them to get old and die natural deaths. That would take too much time, right? And what better earth profession he can hide his identity behind than that of a funeral parlor director. Everything goes smoothly for the Tall Man until Mike Pearson (Michael Baldwin) witnesses him carting a body away that's supposed to be buried in the ground. At first his brother Jody (Bill Thornbury) doesn't believe him, but when Mike shows him a cut-off finger surrounded by 'yellow blood' in a little wooden box he had saved as proof, Jody starts to believe him. Excellent scene of the chrome sphere zooming down the funeral parlor hallway and 'accidentally' digging into the skull one of the Tall Man's henchmen. A little screw appears out of it and starts to bore a hole through his skull, ejecting the excess blood out a hole in the back of the sphere. I wish there was more of the sphere although we'll get to see a lot more of it again in PHANTASM II (1988). I also like the portal gateway scene where if you go through the two chrome poles, you'll get to see the Tall Man's alternative universe where the slaves are busy carrying caskets down a stone pathway. We even get to see Ice Cream Man, Reggie Bannister almost get sucked through it as well. I won't give away the ending but let's just say the Tall Man is temporarily disposed of until the next sequel comes out, although the dream element that's supposed to encompass the whole sequence of events in the film, is a big negative against it. In fact, it brings it down a notch, unfortunately. Even so, I consider PHANTASM to be one of the best horror films of the 1970s. It managed to keep Avco/Embassy in business so they could bring us later horror stuff like ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK (1980); THE FOG (1980) and DEAD AND BURIED (1981) The MGM DVD also has a lot more extras on it than you would expect from other DVDs released by the same company, including 8mm behind-the-scenes footage of the making of PHANTASM; a 1979 interview down in Miami with director Coscarelli and Angus Scrimm; an appearance at a 1989 Fangoria convention by Scrimm, and movie & TV trailers for the film. It's a labor of love by the truest fans of this film. 7 out of 10
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Hokey but entertaining mix of sci fi and horror
Fubar9917 November 2021
I've never understood why the film has this reputation as been scary because it really isn't. Take away the that one scene with the orb (along with the two brief topless scenes which are totally unnecessary) and there is no way this would have been X or R rated. That's not to say though that its not entertaining because it most certainly is. The story does gets a little incoherent at times, probably due to how much it was cut down in the editing from nearly 3 hours to 88 mins!. The ending left me totally confused when I first watched this on on VHS as a teen in the late 80's and it was only because a more observant friend was present that I got what had gone down! It also relies a little too much on the hoary old horror trope of characters stupidly splitting up when they should stay together to drive the narrative along in places. But all in I enjoyed it and its a slice of horror history for sure if you've not seen it previously.
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One of the most bizarre films out there
baumer7 March 2002
Like everyone that has reviewed this film before me, I am going to sing it's praises, however, unlike those before me, I'm not quite sure why. This film did everything it was supposed to do as a horror film. It scared me in a few areas, it was quite gory in others and it was easily one of the ten most quirky and bizarre films I have ever seen. I can't tell you why anything transpires the way it does in here, I can't even tell you why people do the things they do, but I don't really think that is the point of the film. Like David Lynch's Mulholland Drive, this is more of mind altering experience or a dream that just doesn't make any sense. Perhaps this is a film that is esoteric by design and if that is the case then perhaps I should just watch it over and over again until I do have some sort of puerile grasp of it.'s definition of a phantasm is "in Platonic philosophy, objective reality as observed by the five senses." Another definiton it gives is simply, "a notion". And if you watch this film from beginning to end you will see why this makes all the sense in the world, yet it is still an abstruse concept that is meant to be exactly what it is.

The film begins with a funeral of one of Jody (Bill Thornbury) and Reggie's (Reggie Bannister) best friends. Jody's little brother, Mikey ( A Michael Baldwin) is a precocious kid who can't seem to stay in one place and follows his big brother everywhere he goes. Hence he is at the funeral but is surreptitiously hiding out in the bushes. As the funeral ends, he sees the caretaker lift a casket all by himself and put it into his truck. This is the nascency of the bizaare rituals that encompass the film.

Michael decides to investigate the strange looking mansion where the cemetery rests. Once he breaks into the house, he is chased by some strange Jawa looking creatures and by a sphere that seems to come out of nowhere and drains your head of blood. He does escape and finally gets his big brother to believe him when he says that things aren't quite right up at the Morningside Cemetery. Now, up until this point, the film is quite linear. You have your classic set-up, a spooky looking mansion where the dead are taken and your typical stupid characters that do the traditional scary movie things, like going to investigate a haunted house all by yourself, gratuitous breast shots, some eerie music and dark nights. But that is where the title "typical horror film" ends and it crosses over into Rod Serling territory. From here on out, it just goes weird, but in a goosebump inducing way that keeps you frozen in your seat.

Don Coscarelli can take all of the praise and/or blame for this eccentric film. He wrote, produced, directed, was the DP, the editor and as another reviewer so aptly pointed out, he probably swept the floors at night and fetched coffee for those on the set. This is his incarnation. I also happen to agree with other viewers that say that this film has one of the most haunting yet mellifluous scores which is on par with Carpenter's Halloween theme. Both are intricate pieces to the presence of the film. Words like haunting, eerie, creepy and forbidding all come to mind when you hear the score. It is also uncanny to see some of the similarities to A Nightmare On Elm Street and Phantasm. Nightmare was a little more clear with what it was trying to say but both films have an overtly murky and dream like exploration into realms that many of us have yet to understand.

The underlying theme in this film is the unsolved questions that plague many of us when we wonder what happens when you die. Most of us believe that you go to Heaven or Hell. But those are just theories. And if theories are unproven then what is stop you from believing that this movie could really be the answer to those questions? As the tag line for the film so poignantly points out, "If this one doesn't scare you, you're already dead." What if all of this was true? What if you could be stolen and made into something that you did not ask to become? Who is the Tall Man and what is he doing here in our world? One of the most harrowing yet well done plot pieces is when Mikey goes to the girl's house and finds an old picture of the Tall Man sitting on a horse carriage, looking like it is circa 1776. This leaves the viewer ripe with questions.

Phantasm will leave you with more questions than answers but I will say this about the film. In a day and age where you get prosaic, banal and myopic efforts like ( take your pick of most of the horror that has "graced" our screens since the Scream and Blair Witch craze) and you compare them to films like Halloween, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Phantasm, you quickly realize that the 70's and early 80's was the genesis of the horror film. I realize horror probably dates back to Nosferatu and it became respected with Psycho, but to look at the films that were born in the 70's and 80's, it's a veritable, indefeasible list of some of the most revered and imitated horror films of all time. Now that I have seen Phantasm I can easily see the mark it has left on other films.

9 out of 10----As I said, I still can't tell you what this film is all about nor can I tell you what it all means or how it all ends, all I can say is that it made me feel something strange with it's disingenuous stroke of the brush. This is a film that absolutely demands a second and third viewing....which is what I am about to do right now. BOY!!!!!!!
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Phantasm - feel the love
auteurus19 August 2003
Phantasm is possibly my favourite film of all time.Why? It's not about the budget or the hype of a film, but mainly about how this film makes me feel. Phantasm director Coscarelli crafted a little gem of a horror movie that has bought me more enjoyment than any major Hollywood film I can remember. I first saw Phantasm as a kid in the 80's and it has stuck with me ever since. It was great to rediscover this film on a beautifully mastered DVD.

For me, Phantasm combines a nightmarish quality that few horror movies achieve with a nostalgic trip back in time to the late 70's. The central theme is that of young Mike being abandoned by his brother Jody, and overcoming his fears. The cryptic nature of the Tall Man's presence adds to the tension, and Myrow's eerie soundtrack is the perfect finishing touch.

Like a nightmare, there is no explanation or attempt to pander to desires for a logical conclusion. The little touches such as Jody and Reggie's jam session add to the homely feel of this movie - it's like a well worn pair of jeans. It's crystal clear that no studio executives were in the editing room at the last minute, trying to turn Coscarelli's vision into another mediocre horror film . For the director, this film was clearly a labor of love. Coscarelli is still an outsider from the Hollywood system. I am grateful that he hasn't been sucked into turning out mediocre movies for major studios but has stayed somewhat true to the original spirit of Phantasm.

Many of the comments here on IMDB criticize the film for weak FX and poor acting. When viewed in the context of a genre film made by young industry outsiders for $300,000 in 1979, I think the technical values are exceptional. Critics who claim otherwise have no idea of the work involved in the process of creating a movie, especially before the advent of video.

I've seen Hollywood blockbusters made for many millions of dollars with great technical values, and yet I can't think of one that I can enjoy time and time again like this film. If you consider yourself a fan of horror movies, you owe it to yourself to own this classic on DVD.

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You play a good game. But now you die!
Hey_Sweden26 December 2016
Mike (A. Michael Baldwin) and his older brother Jody (Bill Thornbury) are mourning the death of their parents in a small Oregon town. Together with their friend Reggie (Reggie Bannister), an ice cream man, they must do battle with a nefarious undertaker known only as The Tall Man (Angus Scrimm) and his various minions...not to mention a neat flying sphere that can puncture skulls.

Writer / director / cinematographer / editor Don Coscarelli truly hit paydirt with this enduring fan favorite, a horror / fantasy classic that spawned a franchise spanning over three and a half decades. A great film it is not, but it sure is a fun and entertaining one. Admittedly, the acting is mostly amateurish and our heroes less interesting than our villain. But Coscarelli clearly enjoys himself playing with as much "it's all supposed to take on the tones of a nightmare" shtick as he can. He never does worry about any of this making sense.

Baldwin, Thornbury, and Bannister are at least likable as our heroes, especially Bannister, whose character turned into more of a badass as the series went on. Kathy Lester is alluring as a mysterious "lady in lavender". But "Phantasm" ultimately belongs to the imposing Scrimm, whose appearance is very memorable. "BOOOYYY!!!"

The film also benefits from a music score by Fred Myrow and Malcolm Seagrave that is pretty catchy, in particular its haunting, somewhat "Halloween"-esque main theme.

The main set piece involves the sphere mutilating a caretakers' face; Coscarelli fought the MPAA to keep this sequence in the film and actually succeeded.

Worth watching, at least once, by devotees of the horror genre.

Seven out of 10.
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Why is this a classic?
kelson-williams30 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I finally saw Phantasm, a film that is regarded as a classic. I could not for the life of me understand how anyone could love this film so much. The acting is terrible, the story makes no sense at all and there seems to be a complete and total disregard for continuity from start to finish. And imagine my disappointment when I learned that the Tall Man (who was the least frightening horror villain ever) as just making people into dwarfs to be slaves on his home planet. That's the dumbest thing I have ever heard. The special effects are decent and the chrome sphere drilling into that one guys forehead was the only worthwhile thing in the entire movie. Michael Baldwin looks like an ugly little girl with a speech problem and everyone around him (especially the character of Jody) shows about as much emotion as a rock. This is an incredibly disappointing film. Many reviews on here say that once you get past the bad acting, worse script, nonsensical parts, lack of scares,lack of continuity, lack of gore (except for one scene as yellow blood is hardly gore) etc. etc., that it is a true classic, but really, once you get past all that, what's left?
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In it's own way, a horror classic
preppy-328 January 2004
Two orphaned boys, Mike (Michael Baldwin) and Jody (Bill Thornbury) notice some strange things happening at Morningside Mortuary. Bodies are disappearing from coffins; a lady in lavender has sex with men in the graveyard and then stabs them to death; little midgets in brown cloaks (making sounds like lions) are roaming about and there's a flying silver orb with spikes that embeds itself in people's heads! And then there's the Tall Man (Angus Scrimm) overseeing it all...Soon Mike, Jody and their friend Reggie (Reggie Bannister) are fighting for their lives...

The story is pretty thin (and REALLY out of whack at the end), the acting dismal, there's no characterizations or depth and some of the special effects are horrible but...this is STILL a classic horror film. It takes a while to get going (nothing much happens in the first half hour), but when it does there's scarcely a letup. Action leaps into high gear, there's some fairly graphic gore (including the now infamous flying sphere killing), there are plenty of scenes guaranteed to make you jump and the music score is very spooky...right up there with "Halloween". Also some of the special effects are impressive (considering there was no budget). Also Bill Thornbury is a VERY attractive man and there's gratuitous male and female nudity. What's even more surprising is Don Coscarelli wrote, produced, directed AND edited this at the age of 24! He's never matched it since and all the sequels really suck...but this stands alone as a classic. A must-see for all horror fans. Also Scrimm is EXCELLENT (and damn scary) as the Tall Man.

Trivia: This was awarded an X rating FOUR TIMES because of the sphere killing...Coscarelli went all the way to the head of the ratings board who overturned it and gave it an R--a rare occurrence that the ratings board kept in a gore scene!
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Phantasm is like riding your routine schoolbus but in the end you realize the bus don't take you to school but to someplace dark and bizzare
denigmatic30 October 2021
I watch Phantasm without read any synopsis or anything, i completely don't know anything about this movie except this movie is a legend, so i love the 70s horror vibe that this film bring, i love how the tall man is a scary figure and villain, but as the movie goes on this movie become more bizzare and surreal, in the end i don't really understand how the story goes.
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Just doesn't make any sense
pmoney1323 October 2001
Phantasm had a lot of potential. The premise is scary: two kids fighting a wicked mortician and his evil drones. Unfortunately this low-budget horror outing (that spawned, incredibly, two more sequels) is way too confusing to be frightening. I watched as characters disappeared for long stretches before reappearing for no good reason. People die then are miraculously alive again in the next scene. Some characters are evil, then good, then evil again. Not to mention it's all directed so that the action zooms along at a brisk pace, not bothering to explain anything. All in all the movie inspires more headaches than fear.

The film focuses on two (uninteresting) kids who investigate weird goings on at the local mortuary, where their deceased friend was just buried. They come upon the Tall Man, an evil fellow who kills people with flying silver spheres and turns corpses into his zombie minions. Most of the film has the Tall Man chasing the younger boy around after the kid learns of his secrets.

As low-budget horror movies go, I've seen far worse. Phantasm is imaginative, if nothing else, and has some memorable scenes (the first appearance of the flying orb is great), but in order to scare people you must have coherency. Phantasm plays like the filmmakers know everything that's going on, but they feel like keeping the viewer in the dark.
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It pays to see it twice
SlimeyPete5 June 2002
I bought the DVD (an older one, not the one that's been referred to here) of this ages ago, watched it once, got bored and didn't watch it for months. Then I shoved it in my player the other night because I had nothing better to do and I have to say it has improved immeasurably the second time around. This is mainly because I was aware that it had a confusing plot which I'd previously decided made no sense, so I wasn't focussing on that aspect of the film this time around. Instead I noticed the really effective musical score, one of the best I've heard, and the excellent cinematography/lighting which give the film a very tense and quite frightening atmosphere. The acting isn't so good and the dialogue in one mercifully short early scene (where two characters meet before the funeral that sparks the plot off) borders on C-movie-style contrivedness, but overall it's an enjoyable flick with plenty of memorable sequences and a sense of pace and enthusiasm last seen in The Evil Dead.
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A cult favourite
Leofwine_draca8 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This eerie supernatural horror has lots of weird moments which help to make it a cult classic film. Numerous sequels have followed, each composed of the key cast in this, the original. This film is very strange and surreal. Some parts of it are frightening too, such as the dwarf attacks. It blends a lot of different aspects of different genres - horror, thriller, mystery, action, comedy - and it works, although the film just may be too confusing for some. It's a very low budget type of film with cult written all over it.

This is my main complaint with the film. With all the plot twists and strange dream-like scenes, it's difficult to keep track of just what is going on exactly. In fact it gave me a headache, and the loud noise didn't help much in that respect. The acting in the film is all excellent; even the young boy isn't too annoying. Angus Scrimm gives a tour-de-force performance as the Tall Man, totally creepy and mysterious. The special effects, although somewhat dated, are still entertaining and the dwarfs look strangely like the Jawas from STAR WARS. PHANTASM is a good film but not one to watch with your brain switched off, you've got to be on the ball in this case. It's just so odd and out there that it's pretty unique too (well, at least it was until the sequels followed).
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surprising for a no-budget horror genre effort
kirbyskay201219 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this curious gem on late night TV back in the early 1980s one night when there was nothing else interesting on the other channels. Note that this was before cable TV reached our area, so there were only the three major networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) from which to choose.

It was uneven in pace, very low budget, absolutely no movie stars to draw interest or even justify watching it. The production values were mediocre, the acting pretty corny, the story very thin. But, still, it had almost a hypnotic effect which locked us in place, just watching and watching without really thinking about it, and generally pretty bored, but not sufficiently motivated to change the channel.

My son and I, who are avid movie buffs, normally would make comments throughout a movie, and normally have the ending plotted out well ahead of time. I remember us remarking that this was really an unbelievably lousy movie, all told. Still, we kept watching under its hypnosis and the lack of competing programs of interest on other channels.

Then came the shockeroo, which woke us both up with a jolt. It occurs in Mike's outer space bedroom; however, this review will mention no further details, so as not to spoil the surprise for those who have yet to view this curious venture. It was one of those rare events in cinema that makes enduring a really lousy film totally worthwhile in contrast!

Angus Scrimm, the actor who portrayed the pivotal character is this story, was strange looking and appropriately unearthly, which added to the story line. I liked the musical jam between Bill Thornberry and Reggie Bannister, which provided a bit of normalcy for a break from this otherwise weird, weird production. Reggie's ice cream truck was also a link to normalcy and brought a bit of lightness to the otherwise fairly heavy atmosphere of the plot.

For the most part, the special effects are pretty corny, but they seem to fit right in somehow with the rest of the strangeness which is about all that this movie can offer. Although there were a few sequels to this original story, they were surely produced to milk easy profits from the cult which formed around this movie. But, only this first effort is worth your time or money.

Watch it with the lights off and a house full of friends, to get the most enjoyment out of the experience. Don't expect very much, but follow the storyline as best you can. Like I said earlier, the event near but not exactly at the end of the movie justifies the nearly two hours of viewing to arrive at that point, but is well worth the wait!
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Imaginative, Bizarre, And Thoroughly Entertaining.
drownsoda9015 July 2006
"Phantasm" is about a young teenager, Mike, who just recently lost his parents. He is worried about losing his older brother, so he follows him everywhere, including a funeral. While hiding in the bushes during the funeral, Mike sees "The Tall Man" (played by the creepy Angus Scrimm), the man who runs the funeral home, pick up a casket by himself. Mike begins spying on the man afterwards, fascinated with uncovering the strange events surrounding the funeral home. While investigating, Mike discovers a strange world within the walls of the mortuary, including flying metal spheres with sharp arrows that drain the blood from your head, and many other horrors. Turns out, the Tall Man is from another dimension, and is taking the bodies of the dead and reincarnating them in his world for slaves. Mike teams up with his older brother and the local ice cream man, Reggie, to stop the Tall Man's gruesome work.

I remember my mother telling me about how much "Phantasm" scared her when she was a teenager, and she rented it one day and I watched it along with her (I was about nine or ten at the time), and it was genuinely one of the most bizarre movies I've ever viewed. Written (as well as directed) by Don Coscarelli, "Phantasm" has become something of a horror classic over the years, and deservedly so. Coscarelli's writing here is so unique that it hurts. Everything in this film is surreal and dreamlike, and the entire plot line is so out there that I can't think of another film that can quite compete in terms of strangeness. But, despite it's strangeness, this movie works, in it's own, weird little way. The script is solid and the characters are believable (there are some real-life situations thrown in as well, so there is some sort of viewer-character connections that can be made), even though about ninety-nine percent of this film is something of pure fantasy. But it's quite a scary fantasy, and that's for sure.

There are many elements in this film that have become somewhat legendary, among them being the murderous silver spheres and The Tall Man's "Boyyyyy!" line. The thing is, among all of the randomness that is "Phantasm", this is quite a terrifying movie. A dense feeling of helplessness and foreboding is hiding in every scene, and the cinematography and locations add to this quite a bit. The imagery is bizarre and often very spooky, and the settings are perfect (especially that creepy old funeral home). The viewers themselves are easily caught up in the engrossing story, and the atmosphere is very scary. Michael Baldwin plays our lead hero well, with Reggie Bannister as the ice cream man, and Bill Thornbury as Mike's older brother, Jody. And Angus Scrimm plays his signature role as The Tall Man, and his presence alone makes this film scarier than most of it's genre. And then there's the score to the film, which is equally as effective and just as chilling. The film concludes leaving many questions open-ended and unanswered, but honestly - can you really expect genuine, fulfilling answers when the movie itself is so strange? I think it's good that this film does leave some loose ends, because it goes along with the movie's overall feel.

Bottom line - I don't think this movie is for everyone, and it might be just a little bit too weird for some. Honestly, one of the strangest, most out-there films I have ever seen, but in my opinion, that's a good thing. The story is strange but well crafted, and the bizarre imagery and atmosphere make this a painfully unique, scary experience. I can see why "Phantasm" has become such a classic of the genre. For me, this film remains a nice little piece of spooky and original nostalgia, and I'm glad my mom decided to scare the daylights out of me with it at such a young age, because I grew to love this movie later on. 10/10.
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Prismark1010 February 2020
I saw the trailers of this movie as a kid and I can still remember Mike waking up in his bed in a cemetery and the flying spheres.

Teenager Mike (Michael Baldwin) cannot get over the death of his parents and is afraid that his older brother Jody (Bill Thornbury) will leave him as well. Mike keeps following his brother around.

Jody and Reggie (Reggie Bannister) attend a funeral of a friend who was stabbed by a woman in the cemetery. Mike sees the creepy Tall Man (Angus Scrimm) acting strangely. Mike has weird dreams and he persuades Jody to investigate the funeral home. They find strange happenings and a portal to another world.

Phantasm is a disjointed film. The story lacks coherence. It does contain some weird imagery which takes precedence over the story.

Director Don Coscarelli has done wonders with a small budget when it comes to the visuals. The flying spheres look really good even now. There is plenty of blood both red and yellow. There is a bare breasted blond. Although why do men in this town decide to have sex in a cemetery for some unfathomable reason?
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Wierd, but highly entertaining!
jonflottorp8 April 2022
Phantasm is a wierd and hard to understand film from the late 70s, but that doesn't meen it's bad.

I love the characters ecpecially Reggie he kind of steals the show.

The kills are mostly good and i love the tall man.

I don't like that you don't really know what's going on, the movie also feels kind of slow.

Overall i think this movie is good and i think you should watch it.
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Classic window into 70s horror
ashsells-248562 September 2020
This definitely had the feel of the 70s. The music, atmosphere, way they talk, clothing, all 70s. Even the effects make you feel like it's the 70s.

The movie itself is pretty average in my opinion. Maybe I'm spoiled from minders movies but I had a hard time staying interested. Story was a little slow, and I kinda wish there was more spheres in the movie.

One thing I didn't like is after the plot is wrapped up, one of the characters just straight up dies off screen. One scene he is a hero, then next he is dead. I had to rewind the movie because I thought I missed something.

Over all it's a cheesy 70s horror movie. At first I thought it was a satire movie but it is serious. Entertaining, yes. But I don't think I'd watch this again unless I wasn't sober.
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What am I missing?
ShadowDragyn6 May 2008
Maybe I should have seen this when I was a kid. Perhaps viewing it for the first time in the 21st century just doesn't provide the necessary atmosphere to appreciate what this film is about. But for whatever reason, this movie didn't grab my attention at all. It was full of long, and as far as I can tell, pointless shots of people walking, riding bikes, driving cars, or just plain standing around. They were accompanied by spooky noises or music, but they still dragged on for way too long. Maybe that was the late 70's way of building tension, but by the time 20 minutes had gone by, I was so disenfranchised that there was no way I could be apprehensive. And this while watching it in the dead of night alone with the lights off.

I love horror movies, and especially hokey ones like Evil Dead. My wife and friends start groaning whenever I go off on some movie that everyone else thinks is stupid. But this just didn't work for me.
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This gives new meaning to the word "BOOOYYY!"
Zbigniew_Krycsiwiki21 March 2003
In 1980, Magnetic Video released the full length 90-minutes long version on video, with a difused glow throughout the entire film. In the latter part of the 1980s, the film was issued again on video, but one sequence (which takes place in near complete darkness in The Tall Man's glowing white room) was accidentally edited out by the people supervising the film to video transfer. This version of the film ran 87/ 88 minutes in length. When Phantasm was issued on DVD in the late 1990s the scene was restored, but the colour balance and the soft diffusion was corrected, which I think robbed the film of some of its atmospheric effect. My review is based on Magnetic Video's 1980 release.

This haunting, dreamlike hallucination of a movie was written, directed, photographed, produced and edited by Don Coscarelli, it doesn't make much sense but it's still a great bit of fun to watch with the lights turned out. This kid named Mike convinces his older brother Jody that there is something weird going on at the local cemetery. So he and Jody break into the old mausoleum and find out that it's actually some kind of factory where people are killed by a flying metal ball, crushed down to a height of about 3'2", dressed up like little monks and packaged up into round metal garbage cans and shipped off for use as slave labour in some other dimension. A dimension ruled and resided over by the six and a half foot tall mortician (known throughout the entire ordeal as just simply "The Tall Man") working at this cemetery. When The Tall Man kills another friend of theirs, they decide to put and end to him, or at least try to.

This movie has many different layered meanings, over the years some people have said that it's a reference to corporate America coming in (in the form of The Tall Man) and killing off everyone (by turning everything into a 'business') and some have said that this movie is also about a kid's loss of innocence and fears about everyone around him leaving (or in this case dying) Whatever the hell this movie is about, it's still great fun, followed by a couple of really disappointing (and belated) sequels.
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A great bad dream
Blazehgehg27 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a movie with a pretty solid sense of spooky atmosphere in its first half. You're not really quite sure what's going on, but it's weird: a frighteningly tall mortician is stealing bodies, but we don't know why. The same mortician may or may not be some kind of shapeshifting ghoul who is deliberately luring men to their deaths (so they can steal the bodies, you see). And the closer our protagonists get to the truth, the more they are haunted by strange nightmares and even stranger cloaked figures, snarling and scurrying in the shadows.

But when our heroes finally heed the call to action... it gets silly. We trade the-fake-blood-is-ketchup for monsters where the fake blood is now mustard. We get killer bugs that look like dollar store Halloween party favors. Those cloaked figures have all the menace of an ankle-biting Jawa from Star Wars.

Is it on purpose? It kind of feels on purpose. The movie sort of revels in this absurdist vibe. It builds an almost dreamlike quality, which really gives Phantasm a uniquely strange tone. It's something you can both laugh at and kind of laugh with while also enjoying the creeps and the crawlies.

And it's got some pretty great music.
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What has been going on in the last 90 minutes????
Johnny B6 June 1999
Oh my God! Oh my God! Please someone try to explain to me what sort of crap this is. Everything in this flick shows its ridiculously low budget and its scarce use of art. Here are some of my comments on the so-called "classic tale of terror":

  • the story is impossible to follow: you get people getting killed and reappearing again later, unhurt, while others remain alive throughout and then, toward the end, you get a glimpse of their grave. Apart from that you get people being here and there, not understanding how they got there, how they got in etc.

  • the main character, Mike, seems to be in a desperate need of a speech therapist;

  • no one can really act (except Reggie Bannister)

  • nothing really makes sense, except those spicy brain-chewing flying balls

  • the Tall Man with his continuous, ever-monotonous "Boy!" is more pathetic than scary

One last note, I did not realise when it was time to start getting frightened - it is all so awfully junky. If you get scared to death by this one, (the motto says "If this doesn't scare you, you're already dead!) you've got serious problems. If this is as scary as you can get, then normal everyday life is a farce!
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I don't use narcotics, but If I did....
zmaturin17 June 1999
...I'd probably hallucinate something of this caliber. This movie is all over the place! There's a weird looking guy having sex with a weird looking gal in a graveyard, and she turns into a weird looking old guy! Then there's four-wheelin' and guitar jammin' and weird looking psychic grandmas and weird looking dwarf zombies and metallic, gardener-splattering spheres and a weird looking severed finger that turns into a weird looking bug and a hero who doubles as an ice cream man!!

The movie is highly entertaining and keeps moving, and there's the classic moment when the older brother is hit in the leg with the hammer by the kid brother ("Maybe it was that retarded kid down the street"). I loved it! But it IS weird looking....
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