The 1,000 Eyes of Dr. Mabuse (1960) Poster

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Hugely influential Spy Caper ought to be seen
Guy_T3 March 2000
You don't necessarily need to have seen Lang's earlier Mabuse films to be able to love this one. Like in his silent spy film 'Spione', Lang creates everything that would go on to be a genre cliche - but they all had to be original once. Here we have the stolen prototype weapon - a gun that fires needle shaped bullets that travel through glass and leave very little trace of assassination; and then there's the villain's car, with its revolving number-plates. Lang was certainly a few quick steps ahead of the makers of the Bond films, and certainly on a level with Hitchcock, Powell et al when it came to commenting on voyeurism.

The plot's labyrinthine, of course, but it rattles along at such a pace and with such striking visuals that you hardly have time or the inclination to stop and worry - and it all comes clear at the end, with one or two fantastic revelations in addition to the few you expect.

If one part doesn't quite please as much as you like, it's the context it fails to reference properly. Made at such a crucial time in History by a man who had seen so much, one only wishes it had more commentary to make. Lang's career swung like a pendulum between social commentary and serial escapades - if only he'd been able to pull the two together for his final film.
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Who's The Mad Dr. M?
Witchfinder-General-6664 October 2007
Fritz Lang's "Die 1000 Augen Des Dr. Mabuse" aka. "The Thousand Eyes Of Dr. Mabuse" of 1960 is, after 27 years, the third movie on the arch-criminal Dr. Mabuse, the first one made after World War 2, and Lang's last movie as a director. Although not brilliant in any of its aspects, this is a very well-acted, highly entertaining and original mystery that maintains its suspense and stays interesting throughout its 100 minutes, as it cleverly bears more than one surprise.

After a reporter is murdered on his way to a TV station in Wiesbaden, Comissioner Kras' (Gert Fröbe) investigations lead him to a local luxury hotel. As the investigations are dragging on without progress, Kras is offered the help of a mysterious blind psychic...

The acting in "The 1,000 Eyes Of Dr Mabuse" is generally very good, especially Gert Fröbe, who would play the arch villain "Goldfinger" in the greatest James Bond movie four years later, delivers a great performance as the rough-and-ready police commissioner Kras. Further great performances come from Wolfgang Preiss, Dawn Addams, and Werner Peters, who plays and obtrusive insurance salesman. The movie remains interesting all the time, as there's one little twist after another, and just when you think that something was predictable, another twist is coming up. One noticeable quality of this movie is that director Lang, who had fled to the United States in the years of Naziism, dares to mention the Nazi times in the movie, which (allthough only mentioned casually once or twice) was more than rare in 1960, a time when popular German movies usually remained as silent as possible about this "unpleasant" subject.

"Die 1000 Augen Des Dr. Mabuse" is not one of Fritz Lang's masterpieces, but it definitely is a highly entertaining and clever mystery, that should not leave anybody bored. Recommended!
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Lang's last classic
El_Rey_De_Movies9 February 2005
The last film that Lang directed, this was to be his triumphant return to Germany after having fled the Nazis in the late 1930's. Unfortunately, it was brutally cut and re-edited when it was released here, so it never gained the popularity and acclaim that it deserved. It's the story of an American businessman in Berlin who is drawn into a secretive world of conspiracies, spies, and murder. Everyone in this movie is lying to him, with the single exception of the police inspector, played by a pre-"Goldfinger" Gert Frobe. But it's also the movie that effectively laid down the basic rules of the modern spy thriller: the handsome and well-dressed leading man who is equally at home with a gun, a girl, or a drink in his hand, the megalomaniacal and shadowy villain with plans for world domination, the gadgetry and surveillance, the hidden lair, etc. Don't be put off by the fact that it's a foreign, black and white movie – this is an exciting story told by a master director who has been unforgivably forgotten.
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Do yourself a favor...don't read the credits.
Vigilante-40722 October 2002
This is a great little whodunit and an excellent start to the revival of Fritz Lang's great Dr. Mabuse series. It is very reminiscent of the earlier films in the twenties and thirties, particularly Le Testament Du Dr. Mabuse, from which Lang lifts and modernizes many situations.

I said don't read the credits in the title to this review because guessing who is actually the mastermind Mabuse is half of the fun...there are a lot of red herrings that don't play out until the last fifteen minutes of the movie.

This was the first movie in the new Mabuse series and I would recommend anyone delving into the world of Dr. Mabuse use this as a starting point (especially if none of the silents or early talkies are available in your area).
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treywillwest29 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Late in life, after finding success in Hollywood, Fritz Lang returned to Germany after the "economic miracle" had unfolded and the US had rebuilt West Germany into a "modern capitalist democracy." This film, the director's last, is at first glance a standard, if effective, thriller. But a remotely less cursory viewing show it to be a critique of the filmmaker's home-country as he found it upon his return. Most of the action takes place in a hotel that has retained its Nazi-era capacity for complete surveillance of its inhabitants. This technology falls into the hands of a faceless master-criminal currently thought dead who once tried to take over the world. To even call this allegory is perhaps a step far. Lang clearly sees in the "new Germany" a social apparatus waiting to be usurped by a resurgent fascism, one that has only become dormant, not dead.

The only non-radical note in the movie is that the handsome protagonist is an American industrialist, a necessary concession, perhaps, as it was this class of person who financed this film.

The location and language is not the only way in which Lang here returns to his roots. The set pieces of the hotel clearly call to mind the Expressionism of his early years.
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Mabuse can never really die
davidmvining30 September 2022
In terms of how directors go out with their final movie, this reminds me of Family Plot, Alfred Hitchcock's final film. There isn't any comparison between the two in terms of tone or genre, but both The Thousand Eyes of Dr. Mabuse and Family Plot are solidly good works that firmly fit within the bodies of work of both men that may not reach the heights of their best, but do demonstrate many of their best qualities nonetheless. Lang's final film is also the third film he made about the eponymous evil German doctor who has morphed over the decades from representing Weimar Germany's failings to the dangers of a rising Nazi power to something else and possibly more interesting more than a decade after the fall of the Third Reich.

I was actually thrown off in the opening minutes of this third adventure about Dr. Mabuse. It opens with a repeat of a scene that occurred in The Testament of Dr. Mabuse. In both the second and third film, a man gets shot in a car from a nearby car, leaving the car alone in the middle of the road as traffic goes around it. For a minute, I wondered if this was going to end up being some kind of remake instead of a continuing adventure, but instead we get a decidedly modern take on a film series' history. What's happening is not some sort of retconning of the previous films where Dr. Mabuse either never existed pre-Nazi or never died, but that everything in the previously released films did happen. What's going on is that some force is recreating famous crimes done by Dr. Mabuse, and we learn very early that the criminals doing it think they're working for Dr. Mabuse himself (though they don't know the history).

The man who died was a journalist, and it gets Inspector Kras (Gert Frobe) looking into the Luxor Hotel, especially after it's noted the long line of curious incidents leading to death are connected to it, the death of the journalist just being the most recent. At the hotel is currently staying a wealthy American, Henry Travers (Peter van Eyck) who is in the country to help secure rights materials necessary to build nuclear power plants in America. When a woman, Marion (Dawn Addams), tries to jump from the building just outside his window, he and her become intertwined with Henry trying to find a way to save her from the despair of her abusive husband.

Meanwhile, Kras goes to the enigmatic psychic, Cornelius (Lupo Prezzo), to find any kind of help he can, and Cornelius knows a lot that he shouldn't know. Things that happen in other places, in the future, and he seems to be a real psychic, though completely blind.

Now, the way that this film feels so firmly in Lang's body of work is the secret behind it all. The plot synopsis on the IMDB actually gives it away, so I'll just dig in right now. As I've previously said, the two preceding Dr. Mabuse films used the eponymous villain as a vision into Germany at the time. There's a great moment where the insurance salesman Hieronymus B. Mistelzweig (Werner Peters) tells of the history of the Luxor Hotel, how it was "born" in 1944, under Nazi rule, and never freed from it. It's borderline haunted house stuff. It also points to the subtext of the film: the idea of Nazism haunting contemporary Western Germany. The things that the Nazis built still stand. The men who worked in the party were still around (largely, there were war crime trials). The ideology still existed at least on paper. Can Germany ever truly be free of it?

Also, the Luxor was built as a diplomatic hotel, so it was actually built with a host of spy equipment throughout. The way this is introduced is the sort of thing that Brian DePalma would later do, with a single shot of a television screen that pulls back to reveal the equipment controlling it. It's creepy.

The actual story of the film plays out in a way that almost feels directionless for a time, and that's purely because we don't know what the whole plot is. We do get it straightened out in the final fifteen minutes or so, though. I think this will play better on rewatches because of that. Also, the twist about who is Dr. Mabuse is not that hard to guess. I also don't think that the love story that develops between Travers and Marion is all that involving. It feels a bit tacked on, like the sort of subplot inserted to increase interest in the female quadrant of the movie going public in Germany at the time.

So, what is this movie? First and foremost, it's a thriller about a series of crimes and a police investigator trying to navigate the morass of information available to find the culprit, having to push through current evidence and ancient history in the form of tales of a dead genius along the way. It's also contemporary Germany dealing with the legacy of its own history that ended a decade and a half before. Those two parts are rather expertly intertwined in a dramatic procedural package that reminds me of a mixture of Dr. Mabuse and M. And then there's some love story stuff that fits but doesn't work as well. Like the rest of the Dr. Mabuse films that Lang made, I feel like it's a couple of choices away from greatness. As it stands, those choices remain, and it's still solidly good.

As Fritz Lang's final film, it feels very appropriate as a reflection of what he was trying to do with his work as a whole.
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My first venture into the world of Dr. Mabuse
bensonmum230 August 2006
The 1,000 Eyes of Dr. Mabuse represents my first venture into the world of Dr. Mabuse. Pigeon-holing this movie into a single genre is difficult. It's one part traditional krimi, one part spy movie, and one part thriller. Combined, these elements create, at least for me, a one of a kind experience that I really can't compare with much of anything I've seen before. I refuse to give the normal plot synopsis. Any plot details or other information would ruin the many twists and surprises found in The 1,000 Eyes of Dr. Mabuse. Fortunately for me, I went into the movie completely blind, knowing very little of what to expect. I would suggest not even looking over the IMDb page as vital information is presented on Mabuse's identity. The acting is good from a cast that, even if I didn't know all of the names, I recognized from years of watching WWII movies. Actors like Gert Forbe, Werner Peters, and Peter van Eyck give sold performances. Fritz Lang's direction is as competent as ever. The 1,000 Eyes of Dr. Mabuse has style to burn. Considering the movie was made more than 45 years ago, it still feels remarkably fresh. The mystery of who Dr. Mabuse is and what his fiendish plan is all about are wonderfully compelling and really pull you into the movie. The jazzy score is impossible to get out of your mind and fits well within the film. In short, it's movie like this that keeps me excited about exploring "new" cinema. If all of my first time viewings could be this entertaining, I would be very happy indeed.

If The 1,000 Eyes of Dr. Mabuse has one weakness, it's the slow pace of the second act. The pace grinds to a crawl as the police begin their investigation into the events taking place. While it's fairly interesting and Gert Forbe is a good enough actor, there's not enough action in this portion of the film when compared with what came before and what comes afterward. A little more pep in the middle third of the film would have made it a real winner with me. It's a minor issue I have with the film, but it's an issue nonetheless.

As I wrote previously, The 1,000 Eyes of Dr. Mabuse is the first Mabuse movie I've seen. After my wonderful experience with the movie, it won't be the last.
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Good late Lang thriller
funkyfry5 November 2002
Eccentric characters are drawn to the Luxor Hotel where a panicked and paranoid pretty lady (Addams) is attempting to kill herself to be rid of her fears forever. Van Eyck saves her, falls in love, but also under the influence of the nefarious "Dr. Mabuse". He's the old "prophet" who the police go to -- or is he? No, he's the guy pretending to be Dr. Mabuse, using secret cameras hidden around to Luxor to spy on its guests and set up a master plan! -- or is he?

This one may sound cheezy, but it's all in good fun and with tongue in cheeck, and a good final film for Lang.
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A great show, reminds me of the serials of the 1930's
Jim-32814 February 1999
This is a 16mm print which I acquired in a batch of films. It is very well dubbed in English. I assume the film is available on video. This film reminds me of the serials of the 1930's. Fritz Lang ended his career with this swansong, a return to a theme of his earlier Dr. Mabuse films. The master criminal's henchmen have never seen his face, and get their commands by radio while cruising in a van. Note the scene in the police commissioner's office. Everyone is smoking furiously and the room soon becomes filled with smoke. There is an almost identical scene to this in "M". Overall and very amusing and enjoyable film.
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West German crime thriller
AlsExGal25 April 2021
A new crime wave has brought the attention of police commissioner Kras (Gert Frobe), and rumors persist that the crimes are the work of mastermind Dr. Mabuse, a legendary super-criminal thought dead for nearly 30 years. As Kras sets out to find the true culprit, American businessman Henry Travers (Peter van Eyck) finds himself the latest target of Mabuse's machinations.

Fritz Lang returned to Germany and the character that he had so much success with in the 1920's and early 30's. This newer film doesn't rank with those earlier ones, but it's a lot of fun, and was an obvious influence on the later spy films of the 1960's. The mystery of Mabuse's identity isn't very difficult to guess at all, but there are enough interesting characters to fill up the screen and make things enjoyable. Frobe as the dogged policeman, Wolfgang Preiss as a blind psychic, and Howard Vernon as an assassin with a needle gun, are all stand-outs. This was a big hit in Europe, and spawned a whole new series of sequels, but without Lang's participation.
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A Great Movie To End A Career
Eumenides_023 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Fritz Lang's final movie saw him return to one of his greatest creations, the enigmatic criminal master Dr. Mabuse. Much like the influence this villain has over people in the movies, so was the influence he had over Lang, who made three distinct Dr. Mabuse movies in three different periods of his life.

In The 1000 Eyes of Dr. Mabuse we go to post-war Germany. Mysterious, ingenious crimes are succeeding one after another, so brilliant in technique that the police remember the crimes of Dr. Mabuse, just before Hitler took over.

Meanwhile a rich American industrialist is in Germany to close a deal. At the Luxor Hotel he saves a woman from committing suicide. But this altruistic gesture plunges him into a world of deception, blackmail, voyeurism and international crime.

Trying to get to the bottom of this is Commissioner Kras, with the help of a shifty insurance salesman and a blind psychic.

Lang's movies have always been ahead of their time. His silent movies showed an amazing understanding of the language of cinema, and when sound came he incorporated it into the movie as a storytelling tool and not just an excuse for talking heads. In this movie we see the genesis of modern thrillers like the Bond franchise: secret criminal empires, shadowy villains, cars with intricate gadgets, the use of secret cameras to spy on people, unique weapons. But even after fifty years, here it still looks fresh and bold.

Much like The Testament of Dr. Mabuse, this is one of the best thrillers I've ever seen. It's suspenseful, it's surprising, and it's intelligent. Kras is not the moronic policeman we see so often in cinema; he's clever, he's good at deducing things. And Dr. Mabuse is always one step ahead, always has contingency plans, knows everything. How distant he is from the barely-articulate villains of our times.

Any film lover will do himself a favor by watching this neglected gem.
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Rather convoluted and complicated but the film ends very well
planktonrules30 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The original "Mabuse" films were a silent film from 1922 and an early sound film. All were from Fritz Lang and concerned a criminal genius--sort of like a Blofeld-type character. Well, in this film, many decades have passed and a new series of brilliant crimes are being perpetrated and they have all the earmarks of the work of Mabuse. But could he be alive after all these years? With the help of a psychic (who looks really cool and creepy) and some seemingly irrelevant subplots (they do come together later), detective Gert Fröbe ("Goldfinger") and his team unravel the mystery and end the film with a dandy climax. Interestingly enough, Fröbe strongly resembles Inspector Lohmann from the 1933 Mabuse film.

I must admit that I had a lot of trouble staying awake during the first half of the film--there were just so many weird and confusing characters that I found my attention wandering. However, I was thrilled that after a while, all the machinations and confusing plot elements actually paid off with a dandy ending that made the film worth while. However, for fans of director Fritz Lang, this film isn't among his better films but it is pretty good entertainment.
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Mea Culpa - an objective analysis of a not very good film.
Fred_Mopkopf1 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Knowing the film very well, having recently watched it again and reading the reviews here, I felt prompted to write a really objective review. That being said, I know that nobody can be objective, but I'll do my best. Let me precede with saying that I'm absolutely not the kind of person to dismiss old films quickly just because I view them with hindsighted, biased modern eyes. But this is a rather bad film, and even so from a 1960's point of view. One can not shake the feeling that this film has simply been canonized and granted diplomatic immunity just because it was directed by the great Fritz Lang. Sadly, the discussion of this film seems to have been reduced to this only factor: Its director. Yes, Lang WAS a great director for his time, but that does not mean that all of his films are great. This one is not good. Was it Lang's fault? I have my theory. If this film interests you, please read on, even if you're appalled by my pointing out of the film's shortcomings. I don't want to spoil my own review, but I don't think any of these weaknesses are Lang's fault. Here we go:

As usual, let's start with the redeeming qualities: The direction of the actors and the camera work is great for its time, the one noticeable set - the clairvoyant Cornelius' office - is really beautifully and imaginatively made, and Gert Fröbe and Peter van Eyck are simply great actors. With their style they easily meet current standards in acting (as they are mainly playing derivates of their real-life personalities, which in my opinion always has been a key to success, and never a bad thing anyway). Furthermore, Lang wanted to be critical of the not so long defunct Nazi regime, as wanted his producer Artur Brauner. One of the film's lesser mentioned manifestations in this regard are the allusions to Joseph Goebbels: The clubfooted Roberto Menil, the dog ...

But that seems to be about it. The film otherwise is full of inconstistencies and shortcomings that must not only have been noticed by modern film buffs, but also by people back then. What sets this film back? Here are the reasons that in my opinion make it impossible to call the film 'great'.

First of all, there is its whole scenic approach. One could say they wanted to create the feeling of an intimate play, but that can't be true, as some parts of the film desperately try to be grand - and fail. Most obvisously, there are no establishing shots whatsoever, and only very few wide shots, which are always what make a film grand. The single shot passing as an establisher is the face of the hotel, but even this one leaves one without any orientation or feeling of expanse. There are also no shots of contemporary Berlin, and very few outdoor shots. Exceptions are the murder in a car early on in the film, Travers picking up Cornelius, or the climactic car chase. But even those shots show no sign of largesse, nor do they provide a real sense of orientation - something that doesn't fit Lang.

And then there is the breaking down of scenes. Many of them are downright painful to watch, as again many times you are left alone without any orientation. One of the more obvious examples is the scene where Commissioner Kras is watching Travers and Cornelius leaving in their car - there's no shot of their car actually driving away. That would have been filmmaking one on one, even at the time. And why are there no more shots of Cornelius during the scene with the speaker phone in Kras' office? Why are there so few cutaways to people talking with other people? And so on. Re-watch it with open eyes and you will see what I mean. The film is full of such occurences. Even the partly cheesy German Edgar Wallace films of the period did better. Mostly.

And then there is the storyline's filmic execution. There are so many inonsistencies that it would by far exceed the scope of this review, but here are a few: At first, there are almost no foreshadowings whatsoever. The obvious question 'Who is Mabuse' is no big riddle, as there are only few characters introduced as possible culprits, or they die soon enough to be out of the loop. The only viable suspects are Cornelius and Professor Jordan (how lame is that, as they are both the culprit in the end), and a barely viable red herring is Mistelzweig, but that's about it. The big chance to establish Travers as a suspect has been missed. It's all too clear that he is a victim. Another annoying thing: Various characters die without ever getting an introduction, but stay important for the rest of the the film. At a certain point you simply give up and convince yourself that you are watching an intelligent murder-mystery, numbed by the fact that it's a Fritz Lang film.

And Mabuse's final reveal is so lame that it defies words. Professor Jordan simply taking off his beard and his wig - which doesn't change his looks much anyway - is a great disappointment at a point where you must long have figured out what's going on. And there is no payoff whatsoever to the realization that he's also Cornelius. The simple solution would have been to show Mabuse as Cornelius drop his mask, not as Jordan. But for some reason they didn't think of that. It's just one of the many missed chances in the film. In the end you even have to ask yourself why Cornelius as a character was even there. Why did Mabuse act as clairvoyant? He didn't use that persona for anything useful. Why doesen't he coerce Travers into anyting? He even saves Kras - first he places him in the deadly chair during the seance, then he warns him? It's never made clear why. I could go on and on.

OK, so the film is flawed. But let's cut to the chase: I can't believe that all of this was Lang's fault. He has proven time and time again that he knows about the things I so arrogantly point out as shortcomings here - he even helped establishing some of them as rules being taught at film school. So why this mediocre final result?

When watching the film closely, it's obvious that there's a very good film hidden in there somewhere, but circumstances must have prevented it from coming to light. Was it budget restraints? Producer interference? I've read somewhere that CCC's Artur Brauner was known for that, but I can't say for sure. I think it was both. There is a scene with Van Eyck at the hotel during the last act where the music just stops abruptly at the cut, which is a clear indication for the fact that a scene was cut even after picture lock and mixing. An indication that there was a scene there that we will never see. And this obviously couldn't have been the only one. Why is there no shot of Cornelius at the other end of the speaker phone? Because Preiss was not available anymore and they could use the voice artist that spoke Cornelius' voice (Siegfried Schürenberg in the German version). Why not shoot Traver's car leaving? Why not shoot Commissioner Kras watching Mabuse's car sinking to the bottom of the lake? Why not shoot countless establishers and counter shots? No time, no actors there, no money. For me, that's the only explanation.

As a result, the film has become so disjointed, so confusing, so full of missed opportunities and so full of Chekhov's Guns that it's a pity that it was the great Fritz Lang's last film.

I know it's no use giving a film two out of ten stars after everyone involved in it is dead and apparently there is nothing to be learned from. But so is giving a film ten stars when it's just not a ten star film. What's film critizising for anyway?
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One thousand chills in only one hundred minutes.
mark.waltz18 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If you want to see this with two different experiences, try to see this first in the original German, and then the English dubbed version. It's obvious that from just watching the dubbed version that the original version is a superb thriller while the dubbed version is an unintentional comedy. The reciting of the lines are so overly dramatic that they become very funny, even though the original actors seemed to be mouthing some of the scenes in English. One scene has someone telling another person that a character is dead, saying that line as if they are around the corner, parking the car and will be there soon.

The film intertwines two stories at it gets underway. There's the sudden death of a reporter in a rather gruesome manner, and the attempted suicide of an unhappy wife. She manages to be pulled back from jumping off the roof, but as the two stories intertwine, the macabre elements become very chilling.

Then there's the rumored return of the sinister Dr. Mabuse from the dead and the variety of creepy characters who come in and out of the action, making you wonder if the notorious mastermind criminal is one of them or has had his thoughts implanted into them. Dawn Addams, Peter van Eyck and Gert Frobe are convincing in the pantomime they have underneath the dubbing which has to be heard to be believed.
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A swansong worth watching
TheLittleSongbird17 April 2020
Fritz Lang was a truly fine and influential director, on top of many of them being truly interesting in terms of concepts and themes all of his films are visually striking. The best of them still looking amazing and technical achievements back then. The best of his work, such as 'Metropolis' and 'M' (genre and cinematic landmarks), is masterpiece level and even lesser work is better than the weakest work of a lot of directors and recommendable in so many others.

His swansong 'The 1000 Eyes of Dr Mabuse' is not one of his best, though not a lesser work either. 'Dr Mabuse the Gambler' and 'The Testament of Dr Mabuse' are superior and more influential films, with a personal preference for the latter and the former being more important. 'The 1000 Eyes of Dr Mabuse' is unmistakably Lang though and one can certainly understand his appeal watching it. Despite its flaws, it is worth watching and a worthy swansong for a great director and stands surprisingly well on its own without having to see the aforementioned Dr Mabuse films.

'The 1000 Eyes of Dr Mabuse' does drag quite badly in the middle act, where the tension and excitement dissipated and are replaced by padding and too much talk that is not that compelling.

It can get a little confusing, as a result of having a few too many red herrings and characters.

On the other hand, 'The 1000 Eyes of Dr Mabuse' looks wonderful, especially the cinematography which not only looked gorgeous and has style galore but it is also very atmospheric with many clever but never gimmicky shots. The sets are similarly audacious. Lang never disappointed on a visual and technical level, even when the execution of everything else varied.The film is hauntingly scored and with the direction one can see a master of his craft at work.

Furthermore, 'The 1000 Eyes of Dr Mabuse' is scripted thoughtfully, with plenty to be entertained by. While the story intrigues from the get go and the final act has suspense and a real sense of danger, which is why it is regrettable that it meanders in the middle. There are plenty of turns that are diverting and unexpected, nothing is obvious even the blast of an ending. Gert Frobe stands out of a strong cast, in a role that suited him to the ground. Peter Von Eyck is also effective and his character is not as bland as it sounds on paper. Wolfgang Preiss is imposing, though Dr Mabuse's screen time here isn't large.

Altogether, definitely worth watching if not as good as 'Gambler' or 'Testament'. 7/10
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A little imbalanced, I think, but more fun than not
I_Ailurophile3 December 2022
This does a fine job of building a sense of mystery, with many puzzle pieces including no few brought out strictly by reference in dialogue. I wold perhaps prefer if the film took more active role in putting those pieces together, for there's a substantial length in the middle where we seem to get goings-on without ready connection to the plot, and 'The 1,000 eye of Dr. Mabuse' saves all its most substantial assemblage for the beginning and the end. The picture feels imbalanced in that regard, and unbothered, which is strange not just on account of the general eventfulness, but also the vibrancy of that mystery and the active plot elements - which also means that the back end feels overfull and rushed by comparison.

All this is unfortunate, for the actual story being told is strong on paper, interesting and compelling. We get calculated machinations worthy of any major spy flick, flavoring of paranormal and pseudoscientific notions, conspiracy, murder, action, manipulation and deceit, and more. It's perhaps regrettable that the antagonist's motivations are so base and stereotypical, but then, that's hardly a matter exclusive to this title. More concerning to me is that the film is so uneven in its dispensation of its narrative, and moreover the connective tissues between beats and scenes aren't as robust and meaningfully engaging as I would hope. Not as much as I would hope - and, not that I've seen them all, but also less than I'm used to in watching the films of Fritz Lang.

The screenplay may be thusly troubled, but in fairness, otherwise this is gratifyingly well made. The cast is solid, and I don't think there's any impugning Lang as director. Any violence and action sequences are done well, definitely including stunts and those effects that are employed. I personally am most impressed with the production design and art direction; the feature is set almost entirely within the confines of a single building, but it feels meaningfully real and large, a sense certainly bolstered by Karl Löb's cinematography and Lang's shot composition. The image quality and sound design are crisp and clear; this looks great all around in terms of the fundamental audiovisual presentation.

Ultimately I like 'The 1,000 eyes of Dr. Mabuse,' but it's not so striking to me as to demand viewership. There's just enough weakness in the writing as to tarnish the overall experience; spreading out the plot development, and perhaps filling in the midsection as such, would have been helpful. Still, whether one is a fan of Lang, of crime thrillers and mysteries specifically, or just of cinema at large, at large this is suitably well done as to deserve a look if you come across it.
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The Berlin Wall is in that psychotic vision
Dr_Coulardeau14 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
It is interesting to discover or rediscover Fritz Lang. He was well known for one film, Metropolis, and then for a few American films, films he shot in the USA. But the full set of Dr Mabuse's films is fascinating in a way because it provides a rare vision on the German cinema from the early 1920s to 1960. The eye looking at the world from a German point of view that spans over Hitler, Nazism and the Second World War is Fritz Lang's. We know him for his highly symbolical Metropolis in which the meaning is built by visual and numerical symbols. In this Dr Mabuse it is different. There are quite a lot of symbols but inherited from the silent cinema of the old days, symbols that are there only to make clear a situation that had been depicted previously with pictures and no words, or a page of intertitles. Fritz Lang still uses that technique in his 1960 film, which is a long time overdue for a silent cinema technique. But that is a style, nothing but a way of speaking, not a meaning. The meaning is absolutely bizarre. Dr Mabuse is a highly criminal person but his objective is not to commit crimes in order to get richer or whatever. It is to control the world through his criminal activity. The world is seen as basically negative, leading to chaos and overexploitation, leading to anarchistic crime and nothing else because the only objective of this modern world is to make a profit by all means available. Dr Mabuse is a master mind of his time and for him crime is the only way to destroy that capitalistic world that he never calls capitalistic or Kapitalismus and to replace it with pure chaos that should be able to bring a regeneration, a rejuvenating epiphany, a re-founding experience. We find in his mind what we could find in some of the most important criminal minds in this world, like Carlos in France, or Charles Manson in the USA, or those sects that practice mass suicide in order to liberate the suicidees and to warn the world about the coming apocalypse. It is the mind and thinking of those who practice war as a revolutionary activity with a fundamentalist vision of their religions or politics and the world that is supposed to reflect that religion. They do not want to build a different society and when they are in power they are constantly aiming at antagonizing their own population and the world because they cannot exist if they do not feel some opposition that they can negate, bring down, crush, like in Iran, or in Germany with Hitler, though later on it was not much different under the Communists in East Germany. These visions need opposition to exist and they provoke that opposition by aiming at taking the control of the world with violence and imposing their control with more violence. That's Dr Mabuse, the main brain of a criminal decomposition and re-composition of society on an absolutely antagonistic vision of life. But that vision is very common. Just as common as this phrase "a half full glass is nothing but a half empty glass". Add antagonism to that dual vision and then you have a struggle to the death between the half empty glass that wants to be full and the half full glass that wants to be empty (or full?), one half only wanting to take what the other half has and impose his half to the other half to make the world one by the elimination of the other side of the coin. That dual antagonistic vision is the popular and shrivelled up approach of the communist catechism of Stalin, inherited from Marx's French son in law Paul Lafargue, or of course in all dictatorship that reduces life to a little red book, to one hundred quotations from the master thinker of the revolution. That's the world you feel in these films. Fritz Lang embodies this ideology of the mentally poor in that criminal character of his: kill, rob, steal, counterfeit. Even if you die when doing so, the world will change and remember. The master criminal has to die in his activity in order to regenerate the world. What Fritz Lang introduced in his double main feature of the early 1920s and in his Testament, is that the master brain of this vision internalizes this paranoid and psychotic vision of the world into himself and has to become psychotic himself and it is in his psychosis that he finds the energy to conquer the world again. In the third film, Dr Mabuse has been dead for a long time and is reincarnated by someone who finds his inspiration in the doctor. That is a far-fetched cinematographic and fictional antic that is necessary as a reference but brings nothing to the vision itself. A few years later that ideology was to conquer our imagination in many ways. First the Berlin Wall became the symbol of that vision the way it was carried and conveyed to the world by the East-German communists. Then we have to think of the various revolutionary movements like Der Baader Meinhof Komplex, Die Rote Armee Fraktion, to take some German examples. But think of the French Mesrine and the Italian revolutionary urban guerilla warfare movements and you will have a fair picture of this psychotic criminal mind copied and pasted into the political field. The Maoist Red Guard and Cultural Revolution movement was quite typical of this approach. All that was going to come in 1960 and we must admit Fritz Lang was seeing ahead of his time, just as he had seen Hitler in his Testament of Dr Mabuse: a political leader based on hypnosis and mesmerizing people into blindly following a band of criminals.

Dr Jacques COULARDEAU, University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne, University Paris 8 Saint Denis, University Paris 12 Créteil, CEGID
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Lang's farewell.
brogmiller13 November 2023
Having finished his somewhat chequered Hollywood phase on a high with the gripping 'Beyond a Reasonable Doubt', Fritz Lang returned to his homeland at the request of producer Arthur Brauner to direct a remake of two films of Joe May from 1919, both of which turned out to be conspicuous by their insignificance. Brauner had purchased the rights to the 'Mabuse' name from the estate of novelist Norbert Jacques and although Lang wisely declined to remake his 1933 masterpiece 'Das Testament der Dr. Mabuse' he agreed to transpose Jacques' master criminal to modern times.

Despite this director's expertise in terms of lighting and camerawork and a cast of entertaining personalities to keep us watching, this is a comic-book thriller which although not quite as bad as its reputation would suggest, is simply too weak and ludicrous to be considered anything but minor Lang.

There are however two features that are of interest, one of which is suggested by the bullet developed by the American army which leaves no trace as well as the discovery that the Nazis had built luxurious hotels in Berlin so that they could listen in to visiting diplomats. In the post-war Berlin of Lang's film this has naturally been extended to TV cameras and two-way mirrors. It is this type of mirror which provides, for this viewer at any rate, the film's highlight: A sexually charged scene in which Peter van Eyck is transfixed by lust as he spies on Dawn Addams applying lipstick in her undies.

Whatever its shortcomings Lang's swansong is still in a different league to subsequent Mabuse films by various directors which basically belong to the 'krimi' crap that cluttered up German cinema of the Sixties.
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Good last, old fashioned styled, thriller from Fritz Lang.
Boba_Fett11383 January 2008
Of course this isn't the most classic or best Fritz Lang movie but it nevertheless is a more than worthy last one by him. It's not that he died shortly afterward (he lived till 1976) but he lost his eye sight and by 1964 he was already nearly blind. It feels right that he ended his directing career with a Dr. Mabuse movie. His previous 2 directed Dr. Mabuse movies, "Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler - Ein Bild der Zeit" and "Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse" are among his best and also best known works. He obviously had some real passion and respect for the character of Dr. Mabuse. Why else would he had made 3 movies involving the character, over the course of 4 decades. The character is of course also a real intriguing ones. He was one of the first real movie villain in the 1922 movie "Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler - Ein Bild der Zeit". A character that manipulates, influences peoples will, all for his own benefits, with the help of hypnotic and supernatural powers.

Just like 7 of the 8 Dr. Mabuse movies made, this movie is shot in atmospheric black & white. Fritz Lang made a few color movies late in his career but for this movie he went back to his beloved black & white. No doubt he did this on intentions to let this movie connect more and better to the previous 2 Dr. Mabuse movie, made before this one. After all, the last Dr. Mabuse made before this one dates back from 1933.

Even though this movie is made 27 years later, it's still a direct sequel to to "Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse". It makes lots of references to the events which occurred in that movie. However if you haven't seen the previous 2 movies, I think you'll also still have a good time watching this movie and understand the events in it.

The visual style and style of film-making is also mostly the same when compared to the 1933 movie. A style Fritz Lang was of course very experienced in, being one of the best directors of the '20's and '30's. Nevertheless the movie is still set in its 'present' day 1960. It makes this a '60's movie in '30's style, which also provides the movie with a few clumsiness's and at times makes this movie feel, sound and look way more outdated. It therefor can be argued if this was the right approach. No doubt it is also part of the reason why this movie isn't as well known and appreciated as the previous two Dr. Mabuse movies from 1933 and 1922.

The cinematography within this movie is especially great and helps to give the movie its own unique atmosphere and old fashioned feeling style.

Gert Fröbe was really excellent in this movie. He proofs himself once more to be one of the best German actors that ever lived. Ir's fun that many actor appearing in this movie also appeared in the later Dr. Mabuse sequels, often in completely different roles, including Gert Fröbe.

It's sort of too bad that the whole movie doesn't have the pace and excitement of the movie its first halve. There is more talking than real thriller or suspense moments in the second part. Still the whole mysterious atmosphere and question; 'Who is Dr. Mabuse?', remains present throughout the entire movie. The movie also ends with a real blast and gets surprisingly action filled toward its ending.

Yet another real recommendable Dr. Mabuse movie!

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"He was always looking for the usual"
hwg1957-102-26570410 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The story meanders about but comes together nicely by the conclusion. The identity of Dr Mabuse, watching the comings and goings in Luxor Hotel with his many eyes, did surprise me probably due to good acting by Wolfgang Preiss in his two roles. Effective acting by Gert Fröbe as the impish Commissioner Kras, Dawn Addams as the confused Marion Menil and Werner Peters as the ambiguous Hieronymus B. Mistelzweig help the film along. The cinematography is not particularly outstanding but the sets are attractive and the location filming when it happens is adequate. On the whole an entertaining movie.

The character of Dr. Mabuse began his cinematic career in 1922 and was revived in the 1960s but does translate well to the modern era, which is the mark of a good filmic supervillain. Why can't there be a Dr. Mabuse film in the 21st Century? He'll fit right in. (PS A friend tells me there was a Dr. Mabuse film made in the USA in 2013 but they say it was't that good.)
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Fritz Lang's swan song
evilskip16 July 1999
What a swan song this is! Wild and wooly fun from Fritz Lang. Dr Mabuse is running his criminal empire from the Hotel Luxor. His henchmen never see his face as they receive their orders via radio.Without giving too much away his plans involve the takeover of a rich man's empire and general blackmail and murder.Gert Frobe plays the inspector out to nab Mabuse before Mabuse kills him.Funniest scene takes place in the Inspector's office when everybody starts to fall before a bomb goes off! After watching 5 Mabuse movies in a row this is easily the best.It is available from Sinister Cinema.
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Criminal Mastermind.
rmax3048236 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Fritz Lang is a talented director. He's the guy who made "Metropolis," a startling vision of the future before such visions were cool. And he made "M", which turned a monster into an object of pity. In America, after slipping out of Germany, he directed a couple of fascinating noirs.

But you wouldn't know it from "Die 1000 Augen des Dr. Mabuse." Even the always-interesting presence of Peter Van Eyck, Hollywood's Ur-German, and the almost unrecognizable Wolfgang Preiss, can't save this from being a fairly typical B-movie with a plot more confusing than most.

After an opening that might have come directly from a Charlie Chan movie -- a victim collapses in public, shot in the head with an almost undetectable sliver of metal -- we are taken to a garishly made-up Dawn Addams perched on the ledge of a tall building, about to jump for reasons we know not of.

She's talked in by Van Eyck and there follow innumerable perplexing plot developments organized around a couple of themes that don't seem to have much to do with one another.

Lang often made good use of mirrors and he does so here. And Gert Frobe turns in a good performance as a shambling, good-natured, pipe-smoking detective.

The story, though, is full of incidents that may be suspenseful in themselves without helping the plot in an immediate way. It plods along like somebody with a club foot.

It's a disappointing piece of work, slow and uninteresting. Fans of Fritz may get more out of it than I did.
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The (Fantastic) Testament of Dr. Lang
Coventry19 August 2015
For nearly three decades, the visionary and brilliantly gifted writer/director Fritz Lang lived in the United States, because he fled from the Nazis and particularly from Joseph Goebbels who banned all of his previous films. But during the late fifties he returned to his home country Germany and completed the final three films of his rich career. Of course he couldn't retire without dedicating one last film to the character that is probably his most personally dearest and convoluted creation: Dr. Mabuse! The ingeniously and aptly titled "The 1000 Eyes of Dr. Mabuse" is in fact a belated but direct sequel to Lang's 1933 masterpiece "The Testament of Dr. Mabuse". It's a convoluted but extremely intelligent and hugely compelling mystery/crime thriller, with many characters and even more plot twists and secret story lines to discover. Some of the plot aspects are obvious and predictable, but most of the film is very surprising and incredibly fascinating!

TV journalist Peter Barker dies in his car in the middle of an intersection, but what initially seems to be death by heart-attack turns out to be a case of vile murder committed by an ultra-advanced weapon that fires needles of steel into the victims' brains. Police Commissioner Kras was informed about the murder from beforehand, by the mysterious blind clairvoyant Peter Cornelius, and the modus operandi of the murder is very reminiscent to a murder committed nearly 30 years ago, by the henchmen of criminal mastermind Dr. Mabuse. The investigation of this crime, as well as several other peculiar and unsolved murders, leads to the Luxor Hotel. While commissioner Kras meets up with some interesting people at the bar, like an insurance agent and a hotel detective, we are introduced to two other guests, namely the beautiful young lady Marion who's about to commit suicide by jumping off the hotel's balcony, and the gentle and wealthy American industrialist Henry Travers who's courageous enough to save her. What connects all these individual people to the murder of journalist Peter Barker? And what's the link with Dr. Mabuse, who allegedly died in a mental asylum 30 years earlier?

"The 1.000 Eyes of Dr. Mabuse" almost entirely revolves on suspenseful plotting and the intriguing rebirth of Lang's titular anti-hero protagonist. This film doesn't feature those beautiful expressionist trademarks anymore, like the case in the 1922 and 1933 films. That's okay, though, since the film was released in an entirely different era and focuses on more contemporary relevant things, like espionage and violent gimmicks such as exploding telephones and new kinds of artillery. However, one thing that Fritz Lang definitely kept alive in his post-WWII Dr. Mabuse movie is the criticism towards Germany's fascist past, ha! Apart from a terrific screenplay and a wondrously grim atmosphere, "The 1.000 Eyes of Dr. Mabuse" can also rely on a whole series of impeccable acting performances. Gert Fröbe, known as one of the best James Bond villains in "Goldfinger", is excellent as the skeptical police inspector in charge of the investigation. Other great performances come from Peter Van Eyck, Dawn Addams, Wolfgang Preiss and Werner Peters. Cult fanatics will also definitely recognize Jess Franco regular Howard "Dr. Orloff" Vernon in a delightful supportive role as merciless hit man. The reincarnation of Dr. Mabuse's character also meant the start of several more sixties' sequels, and I plan to watch them all … one day. Great stuff, warmly recommended to fans of Fritz Lang, but also to admirers of good "Krimi" (crime) thrillers.
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1000 Eyes watching YOU
amikus200024 July 2000
Returning to germany Lang let influence his Hollywood experiences in this german thriller. The criminal genius Dr. Mabuse (Wolfgang Preiss in his genious acting; afterwards his career was in international war- and anti-war movies as a german General) plays tricky with society and police. Detective Gert Fröbe plays good, some say Preiss plays better, decide for your own. This tentious thriller explores, that by little action big disport can be formed, imagine Lang would have made Face Off (1998) !
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Lang's last film shows the master still in total control despite tiny budget
OldAle110 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Lang comes full circle: Mabuse made his name forty years earlier, and here Mabuse closes out his directorial career. Made on a shoestring budget with pretty obviously cardboard-quality sets, this is nonetheless nearly up to the level of the director's finest work, the fatalism and paranoia, the distrust of government and big business every bit as potent if not more so in the era of TV and jet aircraft as it was in the years before Hitler came to power.

The plot is so complex and takes so many quick turns that, less than 2 weeks after seeing it, I'm already at a loss to readily describe it. Suffice it to say that a TV reporter dies in his car in traffic; at first, no foul play is suspected but soon it's found that he has a needle embedded in his brain, fired from some experimental weapon. Meanwhile a young woman connected with the anchorman tries to commit suicide -- she is saved by an American businessman, who soon becomes embroiled in the intrigue which in addition to an SF weapon involves 1-way mirrors, cameras watching nearly everyone's every move, a seer/magician and exploding telephones. Really, describing the plot would ruin much of the fun.

Gert Frobe is really excellent as the police inspector in charge of the case; like a great many Americans I know him only as "Goldfinger" but he shows great ability here as a world-weary but still committed, intelligent and canny cop. The rest of the cast is solid, the crisp B/W photography and music all work to establish a claustrophobic, dangerous atmosphere....the VHS tape I watched was of surprisingly high quality. Not quite as engaging or exciting as the first two in the series, but still a more than fitting end to one of the greatest directorial careers in cinema.
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