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Crawford as domestic despot: A cautionary parable
bmacv26 June 2002
"Harriet Craig" started out as a stage success – obviously, it struck familiar chords – and saw at least one previous film version (Craig's Wife, starring Rosalind Russell). Remade in 1950 with Joan Crawford commandeering the part of the domestic despot, the movie takes on a dimension that helped define camp. It also offers an unadulterated middle-period glimpse of the controlling monsters she had begun (Mildred Pierce, Humoresque) and continued (Torch Song, Johnny Guitar, Queen Bee) to play on film. (And, if there is a sliver of verity in her adopted daughter Cristina's report from the front lines, such roles paralleled her off-screen personality).

It's a parable about the dangers of social ascendancy, an illustration of Thorstein Veblen's view of the affluent wife as agent of conspicuous consumption. Joan Crawford's Harriet Craig has it all: a husband in a grey flannel suit on his way up the corporate ladder (Wendell Corey), and so can buy her what she most desires: property and position. She's obsessed with who does and does not fit in with what she refers to as `our set' as she strikes poses in her perfect (and perfectly dull) upper-middle-class abode.

That her only interest in her husband is as a meal ticket is revealed by her avoiding her wifely obligations under the pretext that bearing children would be dangerous. But she's not content to leave him be, maybe to enjoy a little action on the side; what might the other members of their `set' think? She craves total control. When he's about to go out of town on a business trip, thus slithering out at least temporarily from under her oppressive thumb, she intervenes, lying to his boss that he's a compulsive gambler. Finally, of course, the worm turns.... But, in the closing shot, when Crawford regally ascends her curved staircase alone among the splendor of her possessions, you wonder who's really won after all.

This soapish melodrama remains surprisingly riveting. Perhaps it's the extra touch of authenticity Crawford brings to her portrayal (Mary Tyler Moore played a later version of this upscale shrew in Ordinary People; then of course there's always Martha Stewart). The movie preserves an uncanny sense of upward mobility in America, circa midcentury, a lugubrious self-importance that has not, alas, vanished from the land.
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A deliciously evil version of this story
mountainkath7 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
TCM showed this movie immediately after Craig's Wife (this movie is a remake of that one) and I loved comparing the two versions of the same story.

The Harriet in Harriet Craig is wonderfully evil and Joan Crawford was perfect in this role. I loved watching her spin her lies and was very curious as to just how her house of cards would fall.

I was not disappointed. The scene where Walter confronts Harriet about her lies was brilliantly played by both Crawford and Wendell Corey. Scenes like this are often melodramatic or just not believable. In this movie, however, Crawford and Corey hit it out of the park.

With just her eyes, Crawford showed Harriet's inner panic at being found out and her desperation when she realizes that Walter knows the truth.

Corey was fantastic at showing the mixed emotions of Walter Craig. He was able to convey anger, disappointment and even love all at the same time. The moment when he found out that Harriet had lied about not being able to have children was just heartbreaking. I felt Walter's pain in that moment.

My only quibble with this movie is Joan Crawford's hair. I know they were going for a severe look, but it was truly awful.
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Good cast and outstanding dialogue
bob-790-1960186 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
As so often happened in Hollywood back in the day, form outweighs content in this movie. Basically it's a soap opera. But thanks to excellent movie-making craftsmanship, it's a soaper well worth watching--very enjoyable.

The cast is excellent, and outshining them all is Joan Crawford, marching through her ultra-neat mansion like a drill sergeant. With her broad padded shoulders, butch hairdo, flashing eyes and jutting jaw, she scares the pants off any weak man, and, alas, Wendell Corey as her husband is that man, a fine fellow but eminently malleable and trusting, at least until the last part of the movie.

To me the best part of the movie consists of the two final confrontations between Crawford and Corey. The movie is full of great lines but the rapid-fire exchanges in these confrontations, delivered with expert timing, are just super. Fine work by writers Anne Froelich and James Gunn.

Of course I spent the whole movie waiting for that vase to be smashed! The closing shot of Crawford left with her husband's lavish house but not much else, is a powerful ending.
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Another Wonderful Performance from Crawford
Michael_Elliott27 January 2014
Harriet Craig (1950)

*** (out of 4)

Forgotten Columbia film about a wife (Joan Crawford) who cares only about her possessions, her way of life and anything that involves her. Her blind husband (Wendell Corey) soon starts to realize that he's not married to the type of woman he thought he was. HARRIET CRAIG is a film that doesn't get talked about too often when it comes to Crawford but when you step back and look at the work she did starting with MILDRED PIERCE you can't help but call this another winner. As I go through these post-MGM Crawford films I must say that my respect for her continues to grow because she took on all sorts of roles and did a wonderful job at all of them. There's just something so evil and cold about her character here and it's something that perhaps lived inside of the actress. If MOMMIE DEAREST had been written like this film it would have been a masterpiece. If Faye Dunaway's performance was as great as what Crawford delivers here then I think she would have been willing to talk about it. I mention that film because the type of character that film portrays Crawford as is pretty much the type she's playing here. The coldness of this character is something that you'll certainly hate but the constantly lying and the way she puts herself before anything else just makes this one of the most memorable characters out there. What I loved about Crawford's performance is this bubbling evilness that you can feel with her character and you just get the feeling at any second she's willing to make something worse just to benefit herself. Corey also deserves a lot of credit as the husband as he makes for a very sympathetic character. The sequence when everything finally breaks and the two go at it is rather priceless in regards to the brilliance of the acting. The supporting cast includes good performances by Lucile Watson, K.T. Stevens, William Bishop, Ellen Corby and Viola Roache. HARRIET CRAIG is a film that's not often talked about, which is a real shame because Crawford's performance certainly deserves more attention.
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The 1936 version is better
tsmith4177 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
In this remake of "Craig's Wife" Joan Crawford assumes the role of Harriet Craig, the woman to whom objects are more important than people.

The biggest difference to me is that in this version Harriet is more concerned with running other people's lives, whereas in the 1936 version she is only concerned with keeping people from interfering with the smooth running of her own life.

Joan Crawford's character is more devious, more suspicious, while Rosalind Russell played it as detached and aloof. Crawford undermines everyone around her; Russell ignores them. Crawford is obvious, like a raging river carving out a canyon; Russell is insidious, like a tiny trickle of water eating away at a foundation.

Crawford's severe hairdo makes her look like a prison guard, to represent her rigid personality. Although Russell had a softer look about her, her perfectly straight posture was the giveaway to her feelings about the world around her.

Of the two I prefer the Rosalind Russell version.
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Don't Touch That Vase!
telegonus3 November 2001
Joan Crawford shines as George Kelly's Craig's Wife, which had been made as a film some years earlier with Rosalind Russell, hence the title change. Joan is far better suited to the role, and closer to the right age. As a controlling, materialistic, unfeeling housewife, she is perfect, and is better than I've ever seen her. Crawford clearly understands this woman and doesn't play for sympathy. Yet we can sense her identification with the character, which is complete. SHE has sympathy for the monstrous Harriet, and we can feel it. There is a touch of Pirandello-ish identification here, and it comes through loud and clear; and yet for all this, Miss Crawford is never hammy. She is a thorough pro, and gives us a Craig's Wife that Harriet Craig would herself heartily approve of.
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Surprisingly watchable as Joan tears into tailor-made role...
Doylenf24 March 2008
From what we all know of Crawford's life story, HARRIET CRAIG seems to be a character who has a lot in common with JOAN CRAWFORD, so it's no surprise when Crawford plays her in a manner that should certainly please her fanbase, if not film critics. And this remake of "Craig's Wife" gives her plenty of meaty material to work with while she steps over everyone else in the cast in her best domineering mode.

She rules over her household with meticulous attention to detail, no matter how much she makes everyone else tremble under her withering gaze and her harsh rebukes, even alienating the loyal house servants and a young female cousin (K.T. STEVENS) whose romance she breaks up by telling lies.

Hubby WENDELL COREY remains completely unaware of her machinations until two-thirds of the story when he starts to realize that Harriet has not been telling him the truth. Her biggest mistake is giving his employer the false notion that he's careless with money and heavy responsibilities. Corey gets wind of her little talk and then bit by bit he begins to strip away all the deceit and deception she's been practicing on him and his friends.

It's a well crafted study of a woman driven to possess someone but unable to trust any man because of her discovery (as a child) that her father was a two-timer cheating at the office with another woman. The character is very much like the one that Ben Ames Williams created in "Leave Her to Heaven"--Ellen--consumed by the need to possess someone and willing to lie at all costs to keep him at her side.

Crawford is effective in the role, only occasionally rising to moments of theatrical hysteria--cold-faced with eyes glaring in dramatic close-ups--but director Vincent Sherman keeps the performance well controlled throughout most of the film.

WENDELL COREY is excellent as the bamboozled husband, effectively underplaying in his usual style, but with such a direct gaze that his sincerity counteracts Crawford's well played deceptions. Their final confrontation, after a series of lies have been uncovered, gives the film a strong ending. LUCILE WATSON is effective as the sophisticated, aristocratic wife of his employer.

Summing up: Better than average Crawford vehicle with a well-written script.
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Juicy, watchable movie!
keylight-424 February 2007
I love this movie, and own a copy of it. It's what I would call a melodrama, but has great characters, good pacing and a tightly-written script. In addition, George Duning's music score is beautiful and haunting. Joan Crawford dominates the movie, and her performance is over the top at times, but I think the other actors hold their own very well -- Ms. Crawford does not overpower them. The other characters -- Wendell Corey as the naive and deluded husband, Lucile Watson as the boss's shrewd but likable wife, and Viola Roach (I think) as the Craigs' housekeeper are all well-fleshed-out characters, and the performances are excellent. I don't think there's an actor in the whole movie who isn't memorable.

The lengths to which Harriet goes to insure the perfection of her home are comical, at times. She scolds Mrs. Harold (sp?), the housekeeper, for not remembering to close the drapes after 11:00 every morning. When she and Clare, her cousin, are out of town visiting Harriet's mother, Harriet has Clare calling everybody under the sun in her neighborhood to find out why there's nobody home. Clare tells Harriet that when she got no answer at the Craig number, she even had the operator check the number to be sure the phone wasn't out of order! There are many memorable scenes in this film, but some that I thought were particularly good were the scenes where Harriet visits her mentally ill mother in a sanitarium. Harriet simply cannot penetrate the state of oblivion that her mother dwells in to block out the world, and she's at a loss to know what to do, or how to communicate with her mother. Ms. Crawford does a good job of conveying her sadness and frustration. It is a poignant scene, serving to humanize Harriet and point up the fact that she does have genuine feelings for someone. Afterward, she confides her worries to the doctor, played by Katherine Warren, and the conversation between the two women is very revealing. I also enjoyed the scene where she and Mrs. Harold lock horns about the running of the house – Mrs. Harold isn't intimidated by Harriet, and gives as good as she gets.

This is a great vehicle for Joan Crawford, Wendell Corey, and in fact, everybody in the movie. Give it a look!
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Mommie Dearest is at it again!
moonspinner555 October 2002
"Queen Bee" had a better title, but if you want to see Joan Crawford at her hissable best, this is the one you want! Playing Mrs. Craig, Joan is more Joan than ever. She runs her home with an invisible whip, snaking around her relatives with the sneaky, sinister airs of a cobra. And when that final dramatic sequence comes, you will be beaten and bowed but will applaud a relievedly fine comeuppance. Based on George Kelly's play "Craig's Wife", the film has a stagy look and direction, but you can't beat the title character for a worthy villainess. Harriet is a suburban monster, a notch or two above Mary Tyler Moore's character in "Ordinary People", and Crawford gives one of her best performances in the juicy part. **1/2 from ****
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"A strange and fascinating woman, at war with the whole world."
beyondtheforest19 February 2007
The line above is from the original advertising art, and it conveys the theme of HARRIET CRAIG very well. I have an issue with reviewers who are constantly comparing characters on the screen with the actors who portray them. Harriet Craig was a character, and that is all. There are parallels between the lives of the character and Joan Crawford herself, but one should not go so far as to say they are the same! Joan Crawford is a woman of many mysteries. Every account you could possibly read about her life is full of contradictions; was she good or was she bad, was the ruthless and cruel or was she generous and kind? She was probably all of these things and, like Harriet Craig, a complicated, non-conventional, and independent woman at war with the world.

This is where the comparison ends. The character in the film is a compulsive liar and manipulator. Harriet Craig lies about anything and everything in the spider's web she builds around her. Joan Crawford's performance is fierce and chilling in its complexity. This is a woman of astounding talent, playing a character worthy of that talent. This is one of only a handful of roles Crawford ever played that allowed her to really act, which she does so well you will forget all about those other "great" actresses which usually claim all the credit.

If 1950 was not such a tough year, I'm convinced Joan would have received an Oscar nomination for the performance. The film itself was worthy of a nomination and, as the advertising art claimed, was "one of the five best pictures of the year." I think it is comparable in quality to ALL ABOUT EVE and SUNSET BLVD., and certainly Crawford's performance is on par with the leads in those films, and one of the best of her career! One last final note: a feminist take on HARRIET CRAIG may emphasize that Harriet was just a woman trying to survive the sexist times...but Wendell Corey was such a good and nice husband, believing in their equality, that I don't buy it. Harriet was a woman hurt by her times and unfortunately taking out her mistrust of men on her innocent and good husband, as well as others around her. Harriet was, in the end, a victim of her own prejudice, and selfish, compulsive lies.
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"No man is *born* ready for marriage – he has to be trained."
style-231 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Joan, with director Sherman, trimming *all* the fat away from *Craig's Wife* (that means removing every scene in which Joan would *not* be present), and turning it into a tour-de-force for La Crawford. As the epitome of every neurotic, deeply disturbed female that Joan ever portrayed, *Harriet Craig* is Joan with a capital J. Taking the role in her mouth and shaking it into submission, she is playing, ultimately, another facet of Joan herself. But what Joan film role *didn't* become Joan herself – either before or *after* filming? In a case of Joan's art imitating her life, as well as her life imitating her art, Harriet provides Joan with yet *one* more of those peculiar roles – roles which must have been written with *only* Joan in mind, since it would be difficult to imagine *any* other actress in this role. If Rosalind Russell had had this much focus on her in *her* version, *Craig's Wife*, it's hard to imagine if she could have sustained it, since part of Russell's strength was her ability to respond to other characters while seemingly on a course all her own. But Joan, never one to shy away from *any* movie role, makes *Harriet Craig* one the great milestones of her career. And we are indebted to her for it. As she explains to her niece (she *always* has nieces in movies like this – sweet young things who come to live with her and become her indentured servants) about how to "keep men in line," we are given more pure-Joan philosophy. With lines like, "…the average woman *does* put her life in someone else's hands – her husbands'. That's why she usually comes to grief," and "No man is *born* ready for marriage – he has to be trained," it is familiar Joan territory. Familiar now, because we've seen Joan spackling her angst all over movie and TV screens for decades, but along with *Mildred Pierce*, *Queen Bee* and *Torchsong*, *Harriet Craig*, at the time, was a new dimension in Joan's personal psychosis committed to film.
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A powerful performance by Joan Crawford
blanche-28 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Joan Crawford is "Harriet Craig," a manipulative, insecure woman who has to control everything around her in this 1950 film also starring Wendell Corey, K.T. Stevens, Lucile Watson, Allyn Joslyn and Viola Roche.

The director, Vincent Sherman, knew how to get a good performance out of Crawford and did so several times, in "Goodbye, My Fancy" and "The Damned Don't Cry." He described her as a very bright, knowledgeable woman when it came to every aspect of filming. Here, Crawford is a cold, manipulative bitch married to hapless Walter (Corey), and as is implied, the sex is great. Pretty soon, he forgets that he's uncomfortable in his own house and that Harriet has isolated him from his friends and things he used to enjoy, and also that she can't have children - so she says. Harriet is unfortunately stuck with the old Craig family housekeeper, Mrs. Howard, who continues to be a burr in her saddle. Mrs. Howard sees through Harriet, as does the boss' wife (Watson). She recommends a promotion which will require Walter to spend some time away from dear Harriet in China. When Harriet finds out, she has a fit and makes sure the boss decides against sending him. Wouldn't want Walter gambling away the company money while drunk, now, would we? Harriet's niece Clare (Stevens) is made to feel extremely grateful by Harriet, so she works for Harriet for free. When Harriet finds out a worker at Walter's lab is interested in Clare, she tells Clare he's a womanizer who brags about it. Harriet is a piece of work.

The saddest part of all of this is that I know someone like Harriet and believe me, this portrait is only slightly exaggerated! They are sad cases. They make the lives of everyone around them miserable. And they aren't happy people.

Crawford is great in the role and has been said, she plays this type of part very well. She has the regal looks, the voice, and the requisite chilly delivery. For those who say this was the real Crawford, no one knows for sure. I don't think anyone deals with the woman herself at this point, only a plastic persona. She had to have been a lot more charming than Harriet and also, unlike Harriet, capable of letting down her hair once in a while and having a good time. Crawford the actress had many more sides to her than the "Queen Bee" and "Harriet Craig" persona. I think she was at her best in "A Woman's Face" and "Possessed" (the second one) which show what she could really do. I never felt she was great in comedy, but she was a hard worker who could do drama well.

Wendell Corey does a good job as a man who loves his wife, his work and his friends and has to walk a thin line. The rest of the cast is uniformly very good, and the Craig house is gorgeous, if you like living in a museum. I'm really talking about the layout.

As a spoiler, I think it would have been a riot if, after what we see in the film, Walter ended up with the widow next door. Who knows? Maybe he did.
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Harrier Craig.
rmax30482324 May 2013
What a movie, starring Joan Crawford at her most imperious. She demands everything in her house, including her servants, her relatives, and her good-natured husband, Wendell Corey, who barely escapes becoming Richard Cory, be exactly the way she wants it. Crawford is She Who Must Be Obeyed. She's devious. She lies to everyone shamelessly, blasphemously. She browbeats subordinates. She's as convincing as a psychopath. I would have laughed all the way through but my mirth was subdued by the activation of latent memories of my own marriage.

Crawford is perfect in the part. She was at an age at which she was given dark eyebrows the width of a highway dividing line and a severe hair do that brought out the chrome steel of her unforgiving features. It's her best performance, although not in the way she or director Vincent Sherman intended.

I wonder if it would ever have been made if "Leave Her To Heaven", a much more subtle film, hadn't been such a success. And I think Crawford's performance here may have been the dam that begat "Mommie Dearest." In these kinds of movies, Crawford was always either the victim of spite and contempt, as in "Mildred Pierce", or the purveyor of it. She purveys it magnificently.
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Ms. Crawford Gives It Her Best
Handlinghandel3 August 2007
She's imposing and convincing as the woman who wants an impeccable house. I remember the earlier version of this play, with Rosalind Russell, and think it is probably better. It isn't opened-out as much. For example, and of course I may be wrong, maybe the character of the cousin isn't in it. The actress playing Crawford's cousin seems to have been directed to be as bland as possible. And bland she is.

Also, Wendell Corey is pretty anodyne as her husband. Yes, he is supposed to be somewhat weak and under her sway. I can't buy his portrayal, though.

And as his wild friend from the past, I expected someone really rowdy. What sort of threat could Allyn Josyln pose? The other smaller roles are well cast. Lucile Watson is droll as Corey's boss's rakish wife.

This is by no means a movie to turn up one's nose at. A great movie? No. A good one that holds the attention? Yes, that it is.
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Joan Crawford at her best!
Starnostar809 April 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Casting Joan Crawford as Harriet Craig was the perfect decision. She stars in this gloomy melodrama as a woman whose compulsion for cleanliness and complete control ultimately destroys her. I have heard before that this movie was written as a comedy (which is quite evident in the original version "Craig's Wife" starring Rosalind Russell) but due to Crawford's coldness in playing Harriet, the tone of the movie completely changed. Don't get me wrong, it does have its amusing moments, as unintentional as they might be. We see Crawford act completely condescending towards everyone she comes in contact with. It is made quite obvious that Harriet manipulates her husband, Walter, who believes Harriet is the perfect wife, by keeping him "happy" in the bedroom. Some rather suggestive dialogue even for 1950. The absolute best is when Harriet holds a dinner party for Walter's boss. She seems completely rude to her guests who all coincidentally happen to be over 50, making Harriet look like a glamour girl. Much of what makes this movie so amusing is the way in which the dialogue is presented, as well as Crawford's ridiculous gestures. "My that's a lovely vase.,' exclaims one of the guests, pointing towards Harriet's most prized possession. "It's Ming-Dynasty" replies Harriet proudly displaying her vase like some prize-girl on a gameshow. Harriet seems not to feel compassion for anyone and tolerates no mistakes. "I was wondering if you ever intended on serving the coffee, my guests have been waiting for quite some time!" Harriet shouts at her maids, causing one of them to drop a teacup. Harriet's looks as if she is about to explode as the cup shatters on the floor. "I'm so sorry Mrs. Craig!" "Yes, of course your sorry, but sorry won't mend my broken tea set!" sneers Harriet as she fires the maid. The movies seems to keep building just to show us how wicked Harriet is, including a visit to her husband's boss which is completely unforgettable. She interferes with her cousin's love life, almost causes her husband to lose his job, fires all of her staff, and to top it off is mean to the little boy next door. "What was Harriet Craig's Lie? Proclaimed the posters and advertisements for this movie. The answer: Her entire existence. The lies just continue to pour out one after the other until everyone is so far driven by it, they leave. But does Harriet learn her lesson? Of course not, even the final line in the movie is a lie. So in the end all we see is Harriet with the only companion to whom she's stayed true...her house. This movie is by far one of my favorite Joan Crawford movies, and what's really coincidental about it, Harriet Craig, the character, almost foreshadows Joan's persona in Christina Crawford's trash novel "Mommie Dearest". Perhaps Christina saw this movie too many times, and confused the facts. :) ****If you liked this movie you'll LOVE Joan Crawford in "Queen Bee". It's like Harriet Craig, but set in the south! -Mark Thomas.
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joan's always in charge!
ksf-215 October 2023
The perfect role for joan C! She totally ate up the roles where she ruled the roost, and ended up driving away the husband. But they don't seem to notice until it's too late. She demanded perfection, just like in mommie dearest, or mildred pierce. And has a short, tight haircut. Like a drill sergeant. She manipulates people. And needs everything so perfect that it gets in the way of her marriage. Harriet refuses to have a normal discussion about everyday issues and problems. The maid is played by ellen corby, better known for the waltons, or maybe sabrina. She was oscar nominated for I remember mama. And lucille watson was the wise old mother in the women. Fun to watch joan crawford dishing it out. Directed by vincent sherman. Based on the play by george kelly. Good stuff.
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My favorite Joan Crawford movie of the '50s
utgard1424 January 2014
One of Joan Crawford's best roles. She plays a possessive domineering perfectionist housewife who tries to control everyone in her life, particularly her exceptionally nice husband (Wendell Corey). A lot has been said about the similarities between the character of Harriet Craig and Joan herself. Perhaps that's why Joan's performance is so superb. She plays the character of Harriet so effortlessly. Wendell Corey is terrific as her husband. Through most of the movie he's a pushover but when he finally realizes who his wife really is and what she's capable of, look out! It's a very good drama but also some funny parts. Moves along at a crisp pace. Unlike most dramas from the period (and today, really) it doesn't overstay its welcome and pad the length for another twenty minutes. Definitely recommended.
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She's not particular, she's peculiar!
mark.waltz21 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
That is how maid Ellen Corby describes her boss, Mrs. Craig, in this third version of George Kelly's Pulitzer Prize Winning Play. Rosalind Russell's Harriett was a young woman with definite mental problems in the 1936 version. But she at least had youth on her side so with psychological treatment, it is obvious she could have made necessary alterations to change her into a better person. But Joan Crawford's middle-aged Harriet is really beyond help. She's deliberately cruel, treating servants with the condensation of Leona Helmsley and rubbing her power over them and everybody else in the house she worships with glee. Only housekeeper Viola Roache and maid Ellen Corby see her for who she truly is, although a few of husband Walter's friends see right through her and are blatantly uncomfortable when in her presence.

In probably his best performance, bland Wendell Corey adds life to Walter who slowly wakes up to his wife's evil manipulations, which include lies not in Russell's version. Where Crawford succeeds in this performance is making Harriett's sexuality more blatant, verbalized as her "part of the bargain". K.T. Stevens seems a bit too worldly to be presented as a naive young woman. Watch her in the previous year's "The Port of New York" to see her as a film noir femme fatal role. She would later enter daytime soap immortality as the initially veiled mother from hell Vanessa Prentiss on "The Young and the Restless", passive/aggressively using her own death to try and destroy her hated daughter-in-law's life. Amusing performances by Allyn Joslyn as a playboy friend of Corey's and Lucille Watson as Corey's boss's life-loving wife add humor. I wanted to see a scene with Watson getting the truth from her husband Raymond Greenleaf, playing Walter's boss. Her presence is ironic considering that she played the wise mother of Crawford's rival, Norma Shearer, in the classic movie version of "The Women". The business aspect of Harriet's manipulations add a new dimension to her character, which leads to the revelation of one of the most malicious lies a wife can tell a husband.

Fans of "Mommie Dearest" will take great pleasure in making comparisons to this and Crawford's 1955 melodrama "Queen Bee". When I first saw this as a teenager, I did not pick up on the psychological aspects of Crawford's character, truly a master at manipulation and using sexuality to get what she wanted, yet declining it when it didn't suit her purpose. Her mannish hairstyle makes her Harriett much more intimidating than Russell's kinder/gentler (and thus more dangerous) version. Crawford chews the scenery (including that oh so precious vase) yet you feel the pain inside her when she breaks down and reveals all the truths and feel sorry for her when it all comes crashing down on her. She's a model, not only for the man-hating realm of certain kind of feminists, but for anybody who puts social propriety and their own needs above those they claim to love. I wouldn't want a relative or friend like Harriet Craig, but she's somebody who is fascinating to watch rise, then crash and burn. You really can envision Harriet telling maid Corby, "When you clean the floor, you have to move the tree!"
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Ozzie & Harriet ?
BumpyRide9 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Perhaps one of Joan's last great dramas that had the production values, a good script and fabulous costuming; Joan digs her teeth into Harriet making her a very scheming, perhaps mentally disturbed woman. Turning in a great performance as the brittle Martha Stewart of the 1950's, Joan makes Harriet Craig a stand out movie just as she did with Mildred Peirce, showing what she can do with good material. Wendell Corey, at first seemingly miscast, does embody the role of the "Happy go Lucky" nice guy that the part calls for. Not realizing how calculating Harriet can be, she thwarts her cousin's love life, alienates Walter from his friends from his bachelor days, until finally interfering is her husband's business affairs that would take him to Japan, Walter finally see's her for the fist time. As delicate as her china service, Harriet needs everything to be perfect and in her eyes, change is a very bad thing. She cannot be left alone and will not be ignored. She's as antiseptic as her polished kitchen floor, and just as cold one.
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Nightmare house
bkoganbing12 July 2012
Craig's Wife is a play that is revived and often in stock companies because its themes are timeless. It could probably be revived today with yet a fourth film being made.

It was good enough to win a Pulitzer Prize for its author George Kelly when it first ran on Broadway in the Twenties. Rosalind Russell made the most of the part of Harriet Craig back in 1936 in her first starring role.

14 years later Joan Crawford does as good as Russell did in her film version. I'd hate to compare the two, I've never seen a silent screen version that was also done.

Appearances are deceiving, at first glance Joan looks like she's achieved the American dream, specifically that dream house in the suburbs. But she's a cold, manipulative woman, whose only real love is the house and things inside. It's not a home she's made for herself and husband Wendell Corey, it's some kind of suburban Taj Mahal.

But Lord knows she does not want to be alone. She berates her servants including her cousin K.T. Stevens who lives with her and whom she treats like a servant. She does her best to break up Stevens and William Bishop because she doesn't want to lose Stevens from the entourage. She also makes Corey's good time buddy Allyn Joslyn feel as welcome as crabgrass.

Crawford was hurt real bad and the only kind of husband that she wants is a completely submissive one. Takes a while for Wendell Corey to catch on.

Harriet Craig is a great female part and two great actresses did it for the talkies. I'd love to see Meryl Streep or Julia Roberts take a crack at this role in a remake.
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All The People Some Of The Time
writers_reign28 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
It was exactly a quarter of a century after George Kelly's Craig's Wife opened on Broadway that Joan Crawford followed Rosalind Russell - who had starred in the first film version - into the role of the eponymous Mrs Craig. Crawford, lacking Russell's natural warmth, was perfect casting as the cold, manipulative control freak and could well have phoned it in. As it happened the supporting cast included the likes of Ellen Corby and Lucile Watson but there were albeit superfluous as Crawford could carry this one by sheer willpower and force of personality. Wendell Corey was still getting work wherever mahogany was called for and he did about as well as anyone with the thankless part of Craig, who is there merely as something - as opposed to someONE - for Harriet to fool, foil and manipulate. Inevitably, of course, she gets her comeuppance although she was never a magnificent Amberson so much as an insignificant Craig.
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"It's perfect - like everything else you do"
PudgyPandaMan7 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
" Wives may be a little extra trouble now and then, but they're mighty handy gadgets to have around the house."

This movie is like a time capsule of the late 1940's and 50's. There are definite stereotypes about the roles of men and women from that period - like a woman's place is in the home, etc. Some will find this very dated and annoying - but I often enjoy seeing glimpses into past periods in American history, even if I don't necessarily agree with it.

There is not a lot of depth to this movie in the classic soap tradition. But there is good character development in the sense that you know everyone's personalities. Joan is the controlling, manipulative wife trying to climb the social ladder. Correy plays the wimpy husband who lets his wife control him and everything in his life... Until she finally goes to far. Its good to see Mrs. Craig get what's coming to her in the end.

Joan's costumes are beautiful and extravagant. But I hated the hairdo she has in most of the picture - very much like "helmet-hair". Its all stuck very close to her head and gives her profile shots an unflattering shape. Perhaps they're trying to give her an overly masculine look to match her domineering personality. I'm not a huge fan Of Crawford. I find most of her work overly theatric and stiff. This carries over here as well. There is one exception: when she relives the day her father left the family. She shows natural and genuine human emotion and pain in that scene, without all the campiness for which she is known.

If you don't like melodrama or soap opera style films, stay away from this one. If you want a glimpse into 1950's stereotypes, watch this. Also, for those familiar with Crawford personal life and "Mommie Dearest", this role perhaps best captures that side of Joan - controlling, manipulative, unforgiving, and without an ounce of warmth in her whole body.
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Joan Crawford in an excellent performance.
godsnewworldiscoming-16 August 2007
She was dominant! In my opinion, she is in the top five of all time great actresses. Her presence captivates you. There are actors and actresses that you will watch any movie they are in. She is one of the handful.

The supporting cast was terrific as well. However, this movie was all Crawford. Most of her movies have slipped into relative obscurity today. Its unfortunate, because she was on the same level as Katharine Hepburn and Bette Davis. The problem with Joan was that she never appeared in a legendary movie. Every star from that era had a movie which made legends. Hepburn had the Philadelphia's story, and Davis had all about eve. Mildred Pierce was a great movie in my opinion, However, its not highly regarded like the other classics. Enjoy this movie for superb acting and a lesson in why warmth and honesty should never be neglected.
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Harriet Craig
CinemaSerf28 December 2022
An elegant, demure, Joan Crawford is mesmerising in this compact and slightly menacing drama. She is the eponymous wife of "George" (Wendell Corey), on the face of it a happily married lady whose husband keeps her in a certain style. As we discover more about her personality, however, we encounter a controlling, lying, deviously manipulative creature who arranges the lives of those around her - her husband, her cousin "Claire" (K. T. Stevens), even the family retainers find themselves pawns in her game. It all comes to head, though, when his boss decides to promote "George" to a new position in Tokyo. She is having none of that and convinces him to cancel the appointment claiming her spouse has a gambling habit that only she can control. A combination of circumstances enable him to find out about her manoeuvrings and ensures their ensuing contretemps - including a reckoning with her cousin, and the housekeeper hanging up her apron for the last time - makes for a compelling scene that challenges any love the couple ever had for the other... Vincent Sherman and George Duning's score help the tension build successfully into quite a fitting ending. It features quite a nice little cameo from Lucile Watson as his bosses wife - who appears, at once, to see though much of the charade, packs a lot into 90 minutes, and is great watch.
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Joan Crawford, Mildred Pierce, Daisy Kenyon, and now Harriet Craig...(yawn)
cardinalcall24 May 2013
Same character, different men: Joan Crawford playing musical chairs in movies. It's deja vu all over again with Joan Crawford as Mildred Pierce, Daisy Kenyon, and now Harriet Craig: in other words, it's Joan Crawford playing Joan Crawford, better known as "Mommie Dearest".

The above three movies were made between 1945 and 1950. Apparently Joan's Oscar in Mildred Pierce spawned Daisy Kenyon and Harriet Craig. Let's not forget that Queen Bee comes later, another "Mommie Dearest" persona.

Unless you are a submissive titillated by a Dominatrix whipping people--particularly men--into mush, change the channel and watch something more human and less beastly.
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