Laugh and Get Rich (1931) Poster

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Allergic To Work
bkoganbing10 March 2011
The unusual teaming of Edna May Oliver and Hugh Herbert are the main treats behind Laugh And Get Rich. For those of you who are used to the Hugh Herbert of those Warner Brothers musicals, you'll find him quite a bit more restrained here.

Herbert and Oliver are a married couple who with daughter Dorothy Lee run a boardinghouse. They have to take in tenants because Herbert will not go out and get a job. The man is just plain allergic to work, preferring to spend time inventing Rube Goldberg type contraptions that he figures will make him rich. Add to that he's also a mark for every get rich quick scheme for the rent money that Oliver has to squeeze from tenants because he won't.

They are in love however and that fact is brought out in the film's best scene when at a country club dance Herbert and Oliver go into the best Virginia Reel this side of Gone With The Wind. They manage to knock the stuffings out of many an expanded shirt at the dance and it's done oh so charmingly.

Dorothy Lee is the apex of a romantic subplot with Russell Gleason and John Harron. I think you can figure out whether she chooses home town kid Gleason and city slicker Harron. Harron in fact has quite a large agenda in this film.

Laugh And Get Rich is not a great film, but definitely one that should satisfy the fans of either of the big screen's best identified character players.
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Laughter and tears for a pleasant comedy.
mark.waltz20 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
A former Boston socialite (Edna May Oliver) reduced to running a boarding house and nagging her easy going but lazy husband (Hugh Herbert) finds out that her spouse has taken her savings to invest in an oil well. Will their ship come in and keep the marriage afloat, or will husband's faith in their daughter's beau's invention of "whistling tire" (indicating it is leaking) pay off and keep their marriage intact? That last run-on sentence basically asks the two questions that the pop up as this seemingly light-hearted depression movie gets underway. Oliver is at first presented as the typically nagging spouse and controlling mama (she disapproves of daughter Dorothy Lee's love interest) but there's more to her than meets the eye. This comes very apparent in the scene where she discovers that her savings have been stolen and learns who the culprit is. After slapping her husband across the face, her pain both for her guilt and the betrayal of her husband come apparent as she has a slight breakdown before the audience's eyes. Out then pops the sentimental loving side of her character who refuses to let him leave, but continues her initial nagging, which we now know is out of love, not control. Herbert, on the other hand, accepts her for exactly who she is and does not consider her to be shrewish like other husbands might do. Lee, who was the squeaky voiced leading lady in a dozen Wheeler and Woolsey comedies (including a few with EMO herself), provides the light romantic plot of the movie, but it is the relationship between Oliver and Herbert which holds this movie together.

The light-heartedness of the movie pops up in the scene where Oliver takes the family to visit her wealthy sister who gives a party in their honor. Oliver proceeds to get drunk and begins a raucous Virgina Reel type dance to the tune of "Pop Goes the Weasle" which at first horrifies then delights the stodgy society of Boston. Between the emotional confrontation scene and this little musical interlude, "Laugh and Get Rich" has a few four star moments in a nice forgotten little programmer.
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story will be remade as....
ksf-27 June 2020
Two of hollywood's comedy pro's Hugh Herbert and Edna Oliver, are a married couple, Sarah and Joe Austin. They run a boarding house, and try to keep a watch over their daughter Alice. she's dating Larry the inventor, played by Russell Gleason. the folks don't approve of Larry, who tinkers with his inventions rather than working. hmmm.. this RKO film has so many similarities to a little film Columbia will make in 1938, called You Can't Take it With You. This 1931 version is a little slower, a little stiffer, more old-timey, where the later version is much faster, upbeat, and won two oscars. anyway. Mrs. Austin has money, so people are always trying to get her husband Joe to invest in things. kind of a fun (vaudeville) bit where they try to sell Joe shares in an oil well project. and when money starts disappearing around the boarding house, they bring in the cops, and the farce begins. and another bit where they keep calling Joe Austin "Mister Cranston", because they know the wife has all the money. the family sticks together in the ups and downs, and all's well that ends well! it's a fun romp, right in the heart of the depression. both Herbert and Oliver look like they will be stuffy, upright cardboard characters in most of their films, but they were both fun, energetic, and there's a good energy going on in this one. Gleason died quite young at 38, in a fall from a new york hotel room, while serving in the military. Directed by Greg LaCava, who made so many HUGE films... My Man Godfrey, Stage Door, and TWO W.C. Fields films. LaCava also died pretty young, at 59,
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pre-Code comedy
SnoopyStyle12 May 2024
Times are tough. Sarah Austin (Edna May Oliver) makes ends meet running her home as a boarding house. Her husband Joe (Hugh Herbert) is trying every get-rich scheme in the book. Their daughter Alice (Dorothy Lee) has a crush on poor inventor Larry Owens (Russell Gleason), but her mother keeps pushing her to be with Bill Hepburn (John Harron) from a good family.

This is a pre-Code comedy. Edna May Oliver is the real lead behind the throne. It becomes rather chaotic and more serious than I expected. I was looking for a non-consequential comedy. Ultimately, this is too uneven and not funny enough.
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Pleasant fun film
pgudel16 May 2020
For lovers of Ms. Oliver and Mr. Herbert (and who isn't?), a must-see. Herbert in this film is not a caricature (as in, e.g., Golddiggers of 1935 -- where he is great) but afully realized and sympathetic human being. Ms/ Oliver is great as usual. Vincentini and his paintings are a wonderful touch! Wonderful Depression=era comedy/drama directed by the talented Gregory LaCava of My Man Godfrey fame.
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Dull drama starring a cast of great comedic character actors
buystuffrnh8 June 2020
A complete waste of talent. To be fair, there are some comedic moments about 45 minutes into the film, but they are brief.
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That's The Idea
boblipton28 April 2024
Edna May Oliver runs a boarding house. Husband Hugh Herbert hasn't worked in years. Daughter Dorothy Lee is in love with no-account inventor Russell Gleason.

Director Gregory La Cava makes do with a patchy script that uneasily combines desperately unhappy situations with the sort of wackiness that you'd expect of the three main performers. Although Miss Oliver is, as expected, believable in both registers, Herbert is surprisingly good without his familiar comic tics. The script looks like a patchwork, more like a series of shorts strung together than a finished script, but the movie has enough bright moments to make it amusing.
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Pop goes the movie
JohnSeal17 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I was going to begin this review by stating that the laughs are actually few and far between in Laugh and Get Rich, but realized that would be an overstatement. I can't say I cracked a smile during this tedious feature's 72 minute running time, and I consider myself a pretty big fan of Edna Mae Oliver. As pointed out by the other review for this title, Gregory La Cava's script can't decide whether it's a comedy or a drama, and the end result is distinctly unsatisfying. By the time our nouveau riche rubes have offended their social betters with an endless round of Pop Goes the Weasel, you'll probably be siding with the old money. Add in an uninspired performance from Dorothy Lee, and you're not left with much, if anything, to recommend.
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Maude Fealy in her first talkie movie.
Howler1710 March 2023
I have not got much to say about this movie as a whole, apart from the fact that it is an okay comedy featuring some great actors such as Edna Mae Oliver, Hugh Herbert, Dorothy Lee and of course Maude Fealy... who is the main reason why i am writing this piece in the first place.

This was Maude Fealy's first talkie movie at the age of 48, it is possibly the biggest role she got in her later movie career and most dialogue recieved. She's seen playing the role of Miss Teasdale, who only appears in a couple of short scenes (I don't think it is made clear on who this character is), but we do get a glimpse of what Maude Fealy really sounded like. Treating us to a minute long scene of her talking.
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Miss Oliver & Mr. Herbert Aim To Please
Ron Oliver20 February 2002
The no-nonsense wife of a whimsical, unemployed inventor knows it's impossible to LAUGH AND GET RICH.

This mildly amusing little movie is blessed with the talents of two of Hollywood's finest character actors - Miss Edna May Oliver & Mr. Hugh Herbert. As usual , they both give their full effort, wringing all they can out of their lines. Alas, the script gives them scant support, indecisive as to whether it wants to be a domestic comedy or a drama. Much of the time is spent dealing with the characters' financial woes and it is difficult to get many laughs from penury.

But the two leads are worth watching, irregardless, if only for their one wonderful scene, in which an inebriated Oliver & compliant Herbert joyously compel an entire party of stuffy society types to unbend and romp about the room to the music of 'Pop! Goes The Weasel.'

Kewpie doll-cute Dorothy Lee (doubtless on parole from Wheeler & Woolsey) plays their daughter, a young lady replete with all the requisite romantic difficulties. Oliver's boarding house tenants include elderly, deaf Charles Sellon & Italian immigrant George Davis, an artist handicapped by his inability to paint anything but cows.

Movie mavens will recognize teenager Rochelle Hudson at the country club dance and Ivan Lebedeff as the oily Count at the party, both uncredited.
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A rare dramatic scene
dontspamme-7607817 May 2020
This movie has nothing at all to do with its title. It is actually a few separate stories strung together. Not deftly, but effectively.

There is one very poignant scene between Edna May Oliver and Hugh Hurbert. He has confessed to stealing $250 from her to invest in an oil scheme. She expresses her deep anger and disappointment in a manner that a loving wife would. There is no comedy in that scene

I was very touched by the depth of the acting by both of them.
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Surprisingly good--and Herbert turns in one of his better performances.
planktonrules22 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Edna May Oliver and Hugh Herbert are a married couple. As for Hugh, he's a ne'er-do-well--with great plans but not a whole lot of drive. Edna wants their daughter (Dorothy Lee) to have a more successful husband for her than she'd picked with Herbert. While it appears she loves her husband, Oliver clearly isn't impressed by him. When he announces he's invested in an oil scheme, she's convinced he's squandered their savings. Later, they think they are rich from the oil investments--and in the end, there is a great twist! This is an interesting film in that Hugh Herbert does NOT play the rather annoying and mincing sort of guy he played in later films. His goofy laugh is, thankfully, absent and he underplays this role considerably compared to his later films--which is a very good thing. It's interesting to see Lee when she's NOT in a Wheeler & Woolsey film--as she was their favorite co-star and seemed to do nothing but their films! And as for Oliver, she's ALWAYS great in films--it's a shame she died as young as she did. Heck, I'd watch her in ANY film--she's that exciting to watch.

Overall, a great little film. Well written and with great characters. It's funny, but this cute little movie reminds me of a W.C. Fields film. Fields did two that are highly reminiscent of this film--"It's a Gift" and well as "You're Telling Me". You'll have to see them to see what I mean--and they both are VERY worth seeing.
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