A cheap piece of propaganda designed to erase history
22 April 2024
The film fails to delve into the intricate historical backdrop surrounding the invasion of Iraq by the USA. One crucial element omitted is the Anthrax attacks, which were utilized as a pivotal justification by the George W. Bush administration to bolster public support for military intervention. Following the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, fear and uncertainty gripped the nation, and the subsequent Anthrax attacks further fueled the atmosphere of apprehension, reinforcing the narrative of imminent threats from hostile entities.

Moreover, the film overlooks the infamous presentation by then-Secretary of State Colin Powell at the United Nations Security Council in February 2003. Powell's speech, which detailed Iraq's alleged possession of weapons of mass destruction, played a pivotal role in swaying international opinion in favor of military action. However, subsequent investigations revealed significant inaccuracies and distortions in the intelligence presented, raising questions about the validity of the rationale behind the invasion.

By disregarding these crucial historical events, the film neglects to shed light on the multifaceted consequences of the Iraq War. Hundreds of thousands of innocent lives were tragically lost, and the region was destabilized, leading to prolonged conflict and suffering. Ignoring these profound impacts does a disservice to the complexity of the situation and undermines the broader understanding of the invasion's ramifications.
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