Watching it, but not by choice
22 April 2024
My kids love watching it, even getting inspired to be a superhero like them to defeat the baddies. As a parent that HAS to sit through it, it's decent for a kids show...but there's other shows I would prefer to watch instead, because, "Oh look, another tv series where are the heroes are kids who save the day, villains are power hungry and only get a slap on the wrist, and adults are bumbling idiots who never get why they're kids are gone as the heroes show up."

I enjoyed the generation of superhero shows where the baddies get sent to jail or pay for their crimes instead of tying them up in the same spot that they were scheming their plan and never doing anything else with their repercussions. It's the reason why they are MANY baddies to take care of, to keep the series going. It's not so heroes tell the bad guys AGAIN to say, "oh well, you just need to behave better, have a nice day!" When kids get into justice, apparently a pat on the back is the answer, which is unrealistic, anticlimactic, and nauseating, for the real world. It just sets up kid viewers poor expectations to real life IMHO.

Why do the same baddies come back and monologue more than actually doing what they schemed? As a time filler, of course!

Why do the parents of Peter, Gwen, and Miles NEVER recognize their own kid's voices when they talk with them??? Unknown reasons.

Why do adults depend on KIDS to protect the neighborhood instead of taking over and handling the situation or are acting incompetent to do anything??? Idiocy.

Why does everything have to be a "talking through things to resolve the problem???" Feelings matter more than facts.

I just don't get it. I mentally eye roll whenever my kids ask for it, but I give them the opportunity to enjoy it...I just won't be...
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