You Are All Being Played.
25 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Interesting. Yes. But like every Hollywood doco - it's focused on sensationalism and a specific target rather than looking at the bigger picture.

Dan Schneider - yep not a good guy. Nobody can argue different.

Brian Peck - deserves to be in jail forever. Sure.

But with four long episodes what's really the point?

The part which is strategically omitted here - productions of TV shows have hundreds and hundreds of cast, crew, production, parents etc. Dan may have been the creator of these shows but there's producers, directors, legal, executives who are also part of the decision making process, are across the behaviours and allowed this to happen. The amount of people interviewed going "I could have spoken up" - well yeah you could have but you didn't and now want to be seen as a hero for sharing your brave story. No.

And again, everyone turned a blind eye for fame, success and money. 20 years later now they ALL have a grim story to share. (I am sure the financial incentive to share their stories is helpful too).

As for the performers themselves - Drake Bell is the only one who could be said to be somewhat famous but again he has had a VERY LONG history of doing bad stuff so him coming forward is the greatest PR-moment - negating all his bad behaviour by now being the victim. So that explains him here. No other performer here really is close to relevant so the 15 minutes of fame and a bit of cash seems the obvious motivation to share their story. Ariana Grande? Nah. Victoria Justice? Jamie Lee Spears? Even she has a lot to dish about her famous sister but couldn't be bothered here. Kel Mitchell? Kenan? Josh Peck?

Episode 1 Highlights

Skip it nothing happens. A lot of irrelevant people have opinions.

A lot of scenes of his famous shows where characters are doing highly suspect things which is inappropriate. Hmmmmmmmmm .... NOBODY flinched when these shows aired, none of the production, network, even the audience, the stars. The scene of Ariana Grande was laughed at in good jest in the 2000s now is a sexually concerning scene. Oh please. ALL his fault too - the writers wrote the skit, they are not to blame apparently.

Episode 2 Highlights - A lot of people whinge.

An editor is complaining about being forced to not go to the toilet by Dan, how she fainted or something and they asked who will finish the episode? Makes sense since they have air dates. But wait she got denied for a promotion for being a woman apparently (her view). I don't know - someone who fainted and seems burnt out perhaps wasn't ready for a promotion.

Another producer is fired but it's not his fault - it's Dans. Its as if this guy never worked in Hollywood before.

Amanda Bynes - a lot of people who are not Amanda Bynes are telling us the inside out of Amanda Bynes. Opinion, not a fact. Pointless.

Bryan Hearne who appeared in seasons 7-8 on one of the shows has a sob story - poor black kid, overbearing mom who really doesn't think she is - still unclear what Dan had to do with this or how its relevant to the story except for the fact the production needed diversity storytelling and this was a way to pad out episode 2. I dunno a lot of people get kicked off TV shows after 1 season but he is in therapy 20 years later because of it apparently. His Mom describes this as a house of horrors as ominous music is played over her. You cant make this stuff up.

Episode 3 - The Drake episode I have issue here. Whatever happened to him is wrong, very wrong but the producers are turning him into a victim when he has been the perpetrator to other people. You are negating what he has done wrong to others by giving him an opening to be a victim. Sorry doesn't work that way. Screams of PR.

I couldn't get through this one. Its sensationalism at its worse. Morally wrong. And with no real outcome. So we forgive Drake for hitting his girlfriend? Right. He uses the word mental manipulation to describe Brian... ironic

Episode 4 - Highlights Name and shame Hollywood celebrities for coming to Brian's defence. Targeting these people who didn't know anything vs. A victim who became a perpetrator. At least they have the decency to air Joanna Kerns statement.

This journalist who was probably 7 when this happened is earnest in her crusade to out these people and try and ruin their lives. She's relentless in her attacks.

The culture writer who appeared with a lot of unnecessary opinions in the first few episodes is back with a lot to say but they're just words. Not facts.

Actress Aleka Nichols joins by saying how horrible her experience was; she remembers an episode which was traumatising for her. Its all Dan's fault - not the writers or producers or directors or anyone at the network.

A costumer also has a lot to complain about but she wants to conceal her identity because nobody will recognise her LOL

Everybody turned a blind eye.... Including the people in this interview.
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