A film to be endured...not enjoyed sadly.
10 February 2024
My guess is this was filmed in about 8-10 days at most. Most scenes are 1-2 takes. They probably got Cuba Gooding Jr. For 1 or 2 days. The plot is extremely simple, almost as if a child wrote it.

By about the 1 hour mark I really wanted to shut it off, but I endured. To get to the underwhelming finale that any novice film goer would expect.

I guess the biggest question is why did Terrence Howard do this project? Why? It couldn't have paid much, maybe just for fun? The plot is partially a flashback story, which the synopsis explains. There's just nothing here sadly. The first 25 minutes is Cuba and Terrence drinking at bars talking, usually in 1 take scenes.

Overall it's passable to put on if you're working or cooking or something, but don't dedicate your time to watching this. 4.4/10.
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