A Shallow Pool That Should've Been An Epic Ocean
9 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Some Other Woman could've been a thought-provoking sleeper hit that acts as both a symbolic message that you shouldn't give up your dreams for someone else and a thrilling, slow-burn film that captivates the audience. Unfortunately it fails at both.

Joel David Moore's film starts off slow, and while it does get going, it flounders and can't stick the landing after. The best of the film is the climax where Eve realizes she's been completely replaced. There's some genuinely good shots there as Amanda Crew portrays the panic and utter confusion consuming Eve.

But the ending is as bland as the first third.

The twist should have been more than it was. When Eve and Renata started fighting on the ship I threw in the towel. There just isn't enough here.

Joel David Moore's film should've been a strong and slow thriller. Instead it comes off pretentious and is played too literal for any of it to work. Give this a miss.
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