Delicate Balance Missing
2 January 2024
Film starts from the beginning with stereotypes of white people while complaining about black stereotypes. Although I can appreciate satire there are just too many white Jokes. Over 30 in all. In a world so divided we should be striving to bring people together. You don't do that by making one race cool and the other less than desirable. The film employs a heavy use of stereotypes, particularly focusing on negative portrayals of white individuals while attempting to address or comment on stereotypes about black individuals. Satire can be a powerful tool to critique and comment on societal issues, but it also requires a delicate balance to avoid reinforcing harmful stereotypes or alienating certain audiences. When one group is consistently portrayed negatively while another is glorified, it contributes to a divisive narrative rather than promoting unity.. In a world marked by social and racial tensions, the responsibility of the director is to contribute positively to these discussions becomes crucial. They sadly missed.
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