Couldn't do it
12 December 2023
I tried with this film. I stumbled across the creator's website and decided to support by blindly buying the Blu-Ray. I made it 40 minutes in and just could not get through it, rendering my purchase useless. Though I am happy to send a couple bucks their way. I get absolutely no joy in trashing a small indie film. I was rooting for it, I wanted to like it but the dialogue is a no go. It just goes on and on and on, nonstop philosophical platitudes. I'm sure it all has a lot of meaning to the director but most people will not follow this. They aren't saying anything engaging. I'd like to see the creator direct something he did not write. He has a great eye for visuals, there's cool editing, effects, cinematography, etc. But his prose is best fit for literature. I only give it a 5/10 because I see potential and I don't enjoy dismissing an artist who's clearly trying.
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