Barbarism Begins Before the Opening credits.
11 December 2023
As a die hard Smiths fan, I was really looking forward to this. The trailer was promising, good cast and seemed to have all the makings of a classic.


This is a VERY difficult film to engage with. It's more a pre-Smiths Morrisey biopic than anything to do with The Smiths as a band. It gives a slight nod to Johnny Marr but that's about it. It does capture the period well but the whole thing just feels languid and a bit pointless.

The actors do a fine job and while one can't lay the blame at Jack Lowden's door, the single biggest problem this film has is that Morrisey is such an unlikeable, irritating **** that you almost don't want him to succeed, even though he does.

If you're a Smiths/Morrisey super fan you'll get through it without turning it off but it does leave a lot to be desired.

Side note, it also contains the single most disgusting and downright odd compliment to a female I've ever heard. It involves the word "toothpaste". You've been warned.

I would be amazed if Morrisey sanctioned any of this. He's not known for being super agreeable (and he would probably be the first to admit that) but this doesn't show him in a good light at all.
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