The first 40minutes are stellar and so entertaining
4 December 2023
  • The first 40minutes are brilliant. If anything I recommend everyone to watch it just for the first 40minutes. It is incredibly well done. The anxiety inducing city neighbourhood and its characters are fantastic. It was very much entertaining for 40minutes.

  • After 40minutes it seems to fizzle out, the pace is different and it is somewhat of a different movie. Still entertaining and funny but the further in duration we go the more slow and meta it becomes. Kafkaesque. I tried to embrace it but it would just not resonate in on an entertainment level. By the end it just drags and disappoints to be honest.

  • It is more or less a dark comedy tragedy with a layer of father and mommy issues on top. It reminded me of the Joker movie at times and Wes Anderson twists and turns.

  • I was a surprised when I noting that the guy who made Hereditary and Midsommar , Ari Aster made this movie.
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