Tub (2010)
Probably only worth seeing for the weirdness attached to it
22 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"Tub" is an American English-language film from 2010, so not too long anymore until this one has its 15th anniversary. The writer and director was Bobby Miller and as this one was shown at the Sundance Film Festival, it can probably be considered among his biggest successes and most known releases. The title is very short, only three letters, and the film is not much longer at slightly over twelve minutes including closing credits. Back at that point, Miller had already worked on short films for almost a decade as he started roughly the same time the new millennium started. He was far from a rookie in 2010. As of now, he never managed a really big breakthrough and his most recent project is already a few years back, but who knows what the future brings. There are only two actors in here that are seen for more than a few seconds and the lead is Eric M. Levy who seems to be having much more of a career right now (especially as a visual effects artist) than the stunning Megan Raye Manzi who only really contributes at the end of the film, even if her behavior and silent rejection at the beginning basically result in the entire plot, all that happens afterwards.

If you read the summary, you already know vaguely what it is all about: We have a couple lying in bed at night and the guy wakes up and wants sex, but she just wants to keep sleeping, so he goes to the bathroom and gets rid of his pressure there. With unforeseen consequences, namely the bathtub gets pregnant and gives birth. Those were maybe the best parts of the film from a creative perspective when we see the camera work and everything that really depicted said tub as something that possesses the capability to give birth. And also when we see the umbilical cord there a few moments later. I guess the tub must be a human woman really that at some point just got under a terrible spell because it all feels so human. Or human genes are just dominant compared to those of bathtubs. But right when I thought all this, we do see that the baby does not look totally human gently-speaking, especially not its face and this turned it into a bit of a horror film even. This is just one from a massive amount of six genres listed on imdb for this one, which has to be a bit of a record for a film that barely makes it into double-digit territory minute-wise.

But yeah, for me it was a close call really if I should give a positive recommendation here or not and it was up for grabs until the very end then. Eventually, I am going with a thumbs-down though because the very ending did not really win me over. The film really stands and falls with what happen there. You can still seek some kind of explanation there and interpretation like how maybe the tub (the mother) decided to take the baby back to her because the father was too negligent and did not care well enough for it. But then again what happened there with the baby was not really taking it back. And besides the mother is the tub and not what is down there underneath. So yeah, it did not work too well for me. I was still wondering if the man's face expression there at the very end implied that he is once again ready and interested to have sex with the female protagonist. Which would mean that he got just as quickly over his loss as the tub got pregnant. So yeah, it is a film that has maybe two good moments, three max, but overall I was not won over enough to say that you should watch it. You are not missing out really if you decide to skip. Warch something else perhaps, even if with only twelve minutes, it is not a total waste of time either. It was the two actors that kept it from becoming totally uninteresting, but they could not save it either, the plot that was a bit all over the place. I also don't like the title choice too much here.
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