Black Noise (2023)
18 November 2023
I will try to be spoiler free, but the TL;DR opinion is it's terrible. Lots of great ideas on an individual basis, but all mashed together into an incomprehensible mess.

The trailer looked downright interesting. A mercenary team hired to pull an extraction from an island reserved for the rich and shameless.

So far, so good, a bit of a mystery backstory why a late addition to the team shows up, but no worries, adds to the intrigue.

Once they get to the island, everything starts falling apart. They are assaulted by some kind of white noise generator that causes them to bleed out of their ears and behave erratically.

There is hints in the film this might be the work of a hostile gov't or possibly ETs. All kinds of hooks and ideas. Again, so far, so good. Acting is acceptable, lighting is good to "interesting" (a fair overuse of gel filters and saturation cranked up to 11...but it's possible it was on purpose to simulate mental breakdown) but the CGI where used (sparingly, thankfully) was truly wretched.

Unfortunately the build-up of the mystery is thrown away in a rush to reach the end where the director and/or writer ran out of ideas and money in a truly dreadful and nonsensical way.

Quite the shame really, a lot of the ideas, taken separately held promise, but somewhere along the line (about 40 minutes into the film) the whole thing fell totally apart.

Skip it, it's dreadful. 3/10 at best.
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