Determined men who act by night.
15 November 2023
Although arguably the weaker of the three Westerns directed by Jacques Tourneur and starring Joel McCrea this still has merit as the director's trademark Gallic taste and style are again on display and has McCrea cast as a circuit judge with unimpeachable morals and testicular fortitude. A role that suits his persona to a tee and goes alongside his preacher in 'Stars in my Crown' and of course Wyatt Earp in 'Witchita'.

Other cast members include two of of Hollywood's most commanding character actors, namely John McIntire as an ornery cattle baron and a gloriously glib and oily John Carradine. The most seemingly off beat piece of casting is that of the fascinating but ill-fated Miroslava Stern whose chemistry with McCrea is palpable despite their being polar opposites.

Shot in the Ansco format that at times resembles a faded watercolour the Arizona scenery still shines through.

It is interesting that most of the actors strongly associated with the Western genre were staunchly conservative and genuinely believed in the values of right and wrong, good vs evil depicted in these films. McCrea was certainly no exception and famously turned down the leading role in 'The Postman always rings twice' because he disapproved of the character's morals. He was refreshingly modest about his acting but what one critic has referred to as his 'determined simplicity' served him well and sustained a career that lasted over forty years.
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