One Piece (2023– )
An Attempt poorly Attempt this is no curse breaker
31 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Hollywood just loves to give their own view on something that they know they can't fully "adapt", the entire series is just an amalgamation, and not a well done one, the "adaptations" are all so unnecessary it's like you're not hoping to get new people to read the manga/anime because there is not good pacing.

This whole show it's super rushed it feels like the showrunners just expect people not to have any patience and get everything out of the way as fast as possible and since they didn't had a sure fire way to do that they rope in enemies from completely different arcs who had nothing to do with each other in an attempt to connect mingle everything together which doesn't really work because the point was having a main villain in the manga.

The plot line with Koby and Helmeppo some parts got cut which defeated the entire purpose of Helmeppo's change of heart being Koby's courage! WHYY?! For some reason Garp is following Luffy desperatly which is not really in character because he always let him do his thing. After all, Garp had more important things to DO!

The reveal of GARP being Luffy's Grandpa was soo underwhelming it was so random too the crew BEARLY even reacted I guess they justified it because they bearly know Luffy; it kinda makes sense because of the horrible bit of how Zoro and Nami kept saying "they were not in the crew!" BUT ZORO WAAS, THEY MADE A PROMISE WHEN ZORO WAS CAPTURE AND HE KEPT UP WITH IT, But the Garp thing that wasn't even supposed to happen until further LIKE WHY?? We literally didn't need to know they could've easily not mentioned anything because that's what Marines do chase and capture Pirates. Luffy ISN'T EVEN SCARED OF HIM WHYY?!!! BECAUSE OF COURSE AMERICANS NEED TO SANITIZE THE HELL OUT OF WITH GARP NOT BEING ROUGHT WITH LUFFY, He wants to fight???? WHAT IS THIS WRITING?!! The small little cannon balls just don't make it exciting, in the anime/manga they made A WAY better job showcasing Garp's strength

Characters, they were all mostly okay, Usopp was the one I was most excited to see how it was portrayed but it was a bit of a let down to see how he acted THEY TOOK AWAY HIS FIIGHT!!! WHYY???! He acted just once and he's so soft spoken there was no Fake confidence like it's characteristic from him!

Nami was alright too, tho I didn't like that they didn't took into consideration that Nami doesn't really needed to fight because she is the type of girl who would let others do the heavy lifting for her so she would always rely on Luffy and Zoro.

Zoro was good too, his choreographies were great.

Sanji, they completely butchered his moment with Zeff It was horrible, they didn't build to Sanji didn't struggle he literally had his stuff packed already, and like nothing he got up, no emotion no nothing, is like Sanji wasn't even rescued; also he did say meat cuts so I'll add bonus points for that, they removed the scene where Zeff gave his feet for him and Sanji never knew, just bad writing all over.

Luffy was a bit of a mixed bag some lines were not delivered well and obviously, some emotions weren't in place for certain scenes but overall it was alright too.

The Arlong Park walk was butchered too, it was night and they waited a whooole night? To go to Arlong park, since Johnny and Yosaku were completely erased the moment where they said to the villagers that they were waiting for HIM was completely gone was bad choice, Luffy's entrance was not as exciting as in the anime which is already a huge letdown, THEY TOOK AWAY BELLMERE'S MOMENT TOO! She was soo badasss when she fight for her daughters with how she TACKLE HIM and put a gun straight to his mouth incredible and completely EREASED, They only kept how she gave her life crying.

I don't have a good feeling about how they could handle the appearance of certain characters because they only work on a fictional setting like Wapol or CHOPPER (OMG PLS NOO I DON'T WANNA SEE HOW THEY MASSACRE HIM)

Overall I think this is a """success""" with BIG quotes because the bar for Live Actions is EXTREMLY low , they tried to adapt the story and I can appreciate but I don't think they did a job to guaranty a 2nd season, specially by how fast they tried to soar through everything, as a One Piece fan since it's beginning I hope they just put this Live Action to rest, it was a great attempt they deserved the cheers but ultimately the Manga/anime remain the BEST AND ONLY way One Piece could work because that's how the world works.
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