24 April 2023
This whole movie is an exercise in anxiety. It's pretty much "Anxiety the Movie." Not horrific, just claustrophobic to the point of suffocation. There is a lot to unpack and multiple viewings will help with this one. Guilt is another big theme, guilt thrust upon a child from their parent. Nearly every scenario Beau is in involves animosity toward him. He is never safe from danger on some level. He can't leave or enter his apartment walking: he has to sprint away from people -- everyone really -- looking to hurt him or harass him on some level. He has been taught to be afraid from everyone and himself.

But even if you don't get it, and I don't think I got even 30% of what Ari Aster is going for, the movie is hilarious, if you have a twisted sense of humor. I almost peed my pants laughing at the first of many scenes involving a bathtub (you'll know what I mean when you see it). It's hilarious and that's really why I loved it so much.
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