Very reminiscent of Zodiac, much better than the 1968 Tony Curtis movie.
19 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
While I enjoyed this movie immensely, I found it very much to be a female-driven adaptation of Zodiac, except for the fact we have an admitted killer by the end. Like Zodiac, we have a journalist from a different department who decides to work a series of murders, the journalists are better at investigating the cases than law enforcement, we have the required mysterious phone calls and hang-ups, and even a segment where the journalist becomes afraid to enter a suspect's abode and basically runs away. The movie also focuses on the journalists' hunt for the killer, instead of the murders themselves. Which is very appropriate seeing as to this day we are still unsure whether DeSalvo committed all the murders or only some of them.

Now, don't get me wrong, I really did enjoy the movie. I only felt that I had seen it before, as Zodiac. If I had never watched Zodiac, I would have given this movie a solid 8.

Anyone picking on Kiera Knightly's accent really missed the entire point and I had no problems with her accent and found she put in an excellent portrayal, as did everyone in the film.

If someone is looking for a slasher film, better look elsewhere. You will not satisfy those urges here. If you want to see a movie that deals with the subject matter in a much more accurate way than the 1968 Tony Curtis vehicle, this is the one you need to see. I would have gladly watched another hour or so of this movie, say bring it to the same length as the Zodiac movie, to have the other similar murders and subjects explored more in depth, as well as a more in depth look at Albert DeSalvo himself.

This movie barely scratches the surface of the Boston Strangler murders, and of the man we have always considered to be the Strangler. Where the 1968 movie brought us mostly a fictional version of DeSalvo, this movie gives us almost nothing about the man at all. But it has given me the incentive to do more Internet research into this case, to discover the details that were left out.

I am glad I watched it, and did not find it to be a waste of my time as so many other movies today tend to be. But it could have been so much more that I was left unsatisfied at the end, like being served an excellent meal but only being able to have a couple of bites before it was taken away.

If you are interested in the case, this will be worth watching. I feel most people will discover information about the Boston Strangler that they did not know before. Go in with an open mind, and you will have it filled with information that will give you much cause for thought. In the end, the Boston Strangler turns out to be as much of a mystery as the Zodiac killer and Jack the Ripper long before both of them.
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