12 March 2023
THIS story of jury members falling in love originated with Hungarian playwright Ladislaw BirdFekete, titled 12 IN A BOX. Unclear how well the original did, but other writers kept reworking it. In 1939 Hart and MacArthur produced it on Broadway as LADIES and GENTLEMEn starring Helen Hayes. The critics loved her, but the play not so much. This third try is from 1950, and reeks of the 1950s moralism-if a man loves a woman not his wife and wants to divorce her, he is morally corrupt and capable of anything including murder. The mechanics of jury selection were somewhat interesting, but it drags on as the sequestered jury acts like a bunch of misbehaving schoolchildren. Harry Bellaver as the official having to manage them has the best part-mature non biased. The deliberations in the jury room were fairly decent. Overall it is easy to see why Reginald Rose chose to have an all male jury in his jury drama. Did enjoy seeing Sarah Selby, Whit Bissell ad Anson Rainey in bit parts. Ironically Anson Raining played a convicted killer on death row in The Last Mile.
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