Review of Hellraiser

Hellraiser (2022)
Hellraiser (2022, David Bruckner) A nice updating with a fresh take on some iconic horror characters, but this falls short of next level horror
7 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
While this is the eleventh installment of the 'Hellraiser' franchise overall 2022's 'Hellraiser' is a reboot for the franchise starting from scratch with a story based on 'The Hellbound Heart' novella by Clive Barker. This is the same source material that the 1987 'Hellraiser' movie was based on. This winds up being a much different take than that film, and the two don't resemble each other in any way outside of the appearance of the Cenobites which are twisted goth demon lords of pleasure and pain led by 'The Priest' colloquially known as Pinhead. Doug Bradley, who pioneered the role of Pinhead, was set aside for this project and instead the iconic horror character is portrayed by Jamie Clayton in a gender bent version of the role.

'Hellraiser' centers around Riley who is a recovering drug addict, played by Odessa A'zion. Riley and her boyfriend Trevor break into a warehouse looking for an unknown score and all they find is an elaborate puzzle box which most viewers know is the means by which one opens a way to the Cenobites, or perhaps more appropriately, for the Cenobites to venture forth from their supernatural realm into our mundane one. The Cenobites are summoned inadvertently and Riley finds herself caught up in a sort of bizarre scavenger hunt of sacrifices with some sort of prize from Hell at the end of the bloody rainbow. She figures this out slowly as her friends and family are consumed around her by the demons she inadvertently helped free. Eventually she winds up at a strange recluse's mansion where all of the puzzle pieces finally fall into place and she has to think quick in order to keep herself from being one of Hell's playthings.

As stated this bares little resemblance to the original 'Hellraiser' which is a good thing. That film does not need to be remade or updated, and I did not just want to see that narrative rehashed. Instead this uses the source material and creates something new. I did enjoy that this film immediately amplified the puzzle box's function as well as the Cenobites mythology which allows for a more interesting and layered story. The film struggles a bit to inform its audience of these changes and instead you just have to pick up what you can as the film proceeds. While I enjoy the more dynamic box I think how it is utilized in the story in its different configurations seeking sacrifices for a reward after the final configuration could have been better. It is just a little chaotic and lacking coherence. The special effects, acting and directing were all adequate but not really elevated or doing anything special. Clayton, as the gender bent Pinhead is fine, but lacks some of the gravitas that original actor Bradley brought to the role. 2022's 'Hellraiser' is a completely adequate movie which both works for and against it. You can sit down and be generally entertained for a couple hours, but when you are wanting to restart a classic, long running franchise you should really commence with a bang to ignite a spark in the fresh take as well as some interest in potential sequels, and after this no one is really clamoring for the next 'Hellraiser' installment.

Eric's Grade: B-
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