Le pupille (2022)
24 February 2023
Road to the Oscars 2023. This is nominated for 1 award and it´s best short film. Le Pupille is cute and I liked what I saw. It´s a visually strong and cute short with some adorable acting in it. I think it´s a bit just there without much purpose or moral which the movie itself acknowledges, which isn't really an excuse for me. But overall, I see why some love this and I might return to it to reevaluate me thoughts.

On a catholic boarding school, a group of girls prepare for Christmas. We follow their lives and learn that they are in the end just humans.

I think the actresses playing the little girls are so adorable. It looks like they enjoyed being on set and they are clearly having a lot of fun with the roles. They just play it up for the camera, especially during the songs, and it´s so charming and heartwarming.

I liked the idea of showing a lot of young impressionable girls being under the watch of a strict nun. They are being treated unfairly, especially when religion doesn't mean a lot to them, and they just want to have fun and be kids. It´s a story about the fact that kids are inherently thinking of themselves and don't understand all the cruelty and higher thoughts going on around them, they just want to dance and have cake, thinking about what they want themselves and not what´s right in the eyes of God.

While I think the story is nonexistent and the short can feel a bit purposeless the idea is still cute. I found the short had a hard time starting up for me, but as it kept going I got more invested. It´s just not really a short where the plot means a lot, but the overall execution leaves it kind of just there without much more to take out of it. It happens and then it´s gone without much rime or reason.

I liked the score. It was really out there and sounded really unique. I found it a bit obnoxious at times, but it grew on me.

I really liked the use of faded colors in the short. It´s a really toned down color palette and even the most colorful thing like the later cake has this dusty red color instead of vibrant. In general the dusty look carries over and creates these really relaxing frames in terms of mood. I liked the scene where the girls are in costume. It´s a striking image and sticks with you.

Le Pupille is fine but left me with nothing. I think it´s cute and shot and directed really well with a huge emphasis on it´s visuals. Sadly, the story lacked a bit for me and didn't leave me with much. I might need to give it another watch in the future to really have my overall thoughts, but they are where they are now.

Oscar predictions: I haven't watched any of the live action shorts other than this yet so I have no idea what it´s competition looks like. I could imagen the academy liking this since it´s from a company like Disney and has a strong visual style. But it´s up against former Oscar winners and some heavier dramas and subject matters as far as I understand so maybe it will has less of chance in that department. Either way, I hope there are some gold in the short category, this was fine.
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