A disappointing if somewhat still watchable anthology follow-up
31 December 2022
After the funeral of their friend, a group of random strangers are forced to partake in a series of Horror Movie-inspired traps to leave the event alive while a series of stories about the life lessons he imparted to others plays out.

The Good Stor(ies): Welcome to the 90s-After inadvertently helping a serial killer start a murder spree, a group of sorority sisters must band together to stop his deadly rampage using the rules of the genre to do so. Overall, this was an entertaining starting point for what's going on. The amount of meta-humor present, from the names to the character archetypes and play-on-words involving the type of action here with the interactions they have with those around the campus, provides a highly enjoyable framework for what's going on here. The stalking isn't bad and generates some solid confrontations and cheesy scares that go along nicely with the rule-breaking that goes on which is hammered on so thick it becomes somewhat eye-rolling at points. It's the only issue here but it does stick out somewhat due to the fun involved in the rest of the segment.

The Night He Came Back Again! Part VI: The Night She Came Back-Returning to her childhood home, a woman and her boyfriend arrive at the cursed cabin where her murderous brother will return to exact his revenge on her and her family. This was a rather fun slasher outing and had plenty to like about it, starting with the back-and-forth war that takes place as the reveal of their supernatural powers enables a heavy-hitting and exciting confrontation that allows for a constant stream of wholly effective practical effects. It also leads to a fun finale that's undone by the brevity of it all and a lack of explanation for what's going on due to that brief setup which is a bit of a flaw but not enough to truly hold this down.

The Bad Stor(ies): Special Edition-After gathering her friends together, a woman's efforts to have them pack up her dead brother's belongings at the lighthouse where he worked finds the efforts impeded by a malicious supernatural being. This was a generally bland piece that only has one aspect going for it. This segment only really works due to the wholly effective gore and make-up work throughout here which features a cool-looking mutation and a slew of effective deaths which aren't enough to hold out over the other features here. The sluggish pace that spends far too much time on a group of friends debating an urban legend rather than explaining everything is a major source for this one making it hard to care or understand what's happening, leaving this a disappointing feature.

We're So Dead-After encountering a dead body in the woods, a group of friends decide to use it to test their reanimation serum on a human being for once which causes problems when the. This one could've been a lot more fun than what it already is had it been given more time to do anything. The lack of explanation for anything as the flashback structure of the whole thing makes for a rather difficult immersion into what's going on with the friend group and how the exact nature of the serum works. This is even more troublesome with the introduction of the matter transference device that comes into play that has very little information on anything which makes for a wholly troublesome piece. The whole idea of melting together the various stories into one whole makes for a fine concept initially and the exploits of the experiments manage to generate some solid special effects for the kills do make it entertaining but it's not enough.

Scare Package II: Rad Chad's Revenge-After the funeral of their friend, a group of random strangers are forced to partake in a series of Horror Movie-inspired traps to leave the event alive. This wasn't too bad for the most part but does have a bit of an issue here with the series of traps that they're forced to partake in during the interstitial moments here feeling more like what would come about from genuine parodies than anything else. While that ends up making these scenes somewhat hard to get through, it also causes a somewhat uneasy transition into the next story with very little throughline into the next segment. The finale in the video store connecting the dots with everything and turning it into a short slasher with a solid game behind it with some decent effects, but it's too little too late.

Rated Unrated/R: Extreme Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.
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