Review of Pulling

Pulling (2006–2009)
One of the great sitcom characters
20 December 2022
Brilliant writing and acting throughout, but what elevates this to Classic status is Sharon Horgan's performance as central character Donna. Donna is one of those people who start talking before they know what they're going to say, and Horgan lets us see the whole shifting thought process as each word is delivered to her mouth.

A hilarious example is in the opening episode when she is reluctantly forced to deliver an impromptu speech at her own pre-wedding party. As she builds momentum about how they are looking forward to a lifetime of wedded bliss, she starts to beam with delight at her own eloquence. What she's not letting on is that she has already cancelled the wedding and split from the groom.

Donna is lacking in confidence, competence and direction, and most of the time she is just trying to convince herself and others that this is not the case.

Horgan played the same sort of character in the superb Dead Boss, but Catastrophe went over my head. For me, Donna is a sitcom character up there with Fawlty, Brent and Partridge.
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