25 November 2022
Using magical Christmas myths can be expected in some Christmas movies. Unfortunately so can using actions by characters that are just as much the realm of fantasy. To make a long story short, Shelby blackmails her boss so that he will fulfill the myths that Shelby herself implanted in her daughter's mind.

Evan is too stupid to believe when he demands that Shelby and her co-workers come in on Christmas day after his boss has already told him that he has to improve morale. Shelby "quits". Somehow she knows that she has dirt on him and is not content just to get her job back. What makes the first half of this movie cringe worthy is that she continues to humiliate him, often publicly for almost the entire first half. And Evan is stupid enough to put up with it, and you guessed it, start to sympathize with her.

This is another Christmas movie where a cute kid works her magic on the man in her mother's life. She even decides her mother needs love so dating becomes one of the wishes.

Don't get me wrong. The writers and director do a good job of accomplishing what they set out to do. There are inevitably some funny moments. If you like this kind of story and comedy, it is well done. It is just that it was way too far out of my tolerance zone.

The second half of the movie comes back to earth and we get pretty much what we expect with a small surprise or two thrown in that don't really change the outcome.
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