Being transgender isn't a smooth and easy process.
18 November 2022
Mi vacío y yo (2022) is a Spanish movie shown in the U. S. with the title My Emptiness (or My Emptiness and I.) The film was co-written and directed by Adrián Silvestre.

Raphaëlle Pérez stars as Raphaëlle, who is diagnosed with gender dysphoria, and makes the leap into transgender transition.

As a woman, Raphaëlle struggles with dating and making new friends. (It's interesting that protagonist Raphaëlle Pérez is also a co-author.)

We enjoyed this movie--the acting was good and the plot was compelling. Mi vacío y yo has a fairly strong IMDb rating of 7.2. I thought that it was better than that, and rated it 8.

We saw this movie as part of Rochester's wonderful ImageOut LGBTQ film festival.
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