Review of Prey

Prey (I) (2022)
How does this get almost the same imdb score as the Arnie original?
13 November 2022
Watching the Hollywood machine take your favourite childhood movies, TV shows and books and butcher them over and over and over again. It's growing tiresome.

The Predator itself is a macguffin, Hollywood have somehow turned a macguffin into a franchise, each film worse than the last.

This latest effort is a snooze. There is no suspense, nothing new is added to the Predator mythology, the action descends into farce. The action can just about stay within suspension of disbelief until the little girl starts directly fighting the Predator and winning. She sustains blows that would render Thor a tetraplegic and just keeps on going. What a gal.

This is the Predator franchise reduced to a cartoon for tween girls who cannot even watch the film due to its certification.

I'm getting really sick of watching the latest effort in a popular entertainment series and thinking to myself "I hope they don't make anymore".
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