Lights, Camera, Christmas! (2022 TV Movie)
Way different, way good
7 November 2022
This is really unique for a Hallmark holiday movie. It does not follow the typical formula and it even has Hallmark poking some playful fun at itself and the making of their Christmas films. The story is told in flashback, as the makers of a Santa movie participate in a "question and answer" at the premier of their latest film. The first hour is very funny as you get to know these characters and their circumstances. Sometimes, the humor is very cheeky and quick so you have to play close attention, but it can be hilarious. The second hour is more sentimental and dramatic, but it is still very engaging as these likable characters come to grips with their personal conflicts.

There is a lot of credit to be given all around here. Gary Goldstein has written a script that is fresh with crisp and realistic dialogue, the direction by Dennis Weaver is smart, attractive, and different, the production values, costumes, and sets are very well done, and casting director Jackie Lind has assembled an excellent cast, with some of the best Hallmark has in its stable, all of whom give it their all.

Kimberley Sustad and John Brotherton are just terrific as the big star, Brad, and his rather reluctant costumer, Kerry. The always excellent Sustad is the heart and soul of the story, and Brotherton is wonderful as the conflicted big time movie star. Still, they can be very funny and casting these two together makes the whole thing work. Their performances just shine here. Plus, there is Laura Soltis as Kerry's mother, a gushing fan of Brad's, who is very good, as is the rest of the cast : particularly Matthew Kevin Anderson as the director of the Santa movie, Leila Harrison as its screenwriter, and Veronica Long as Brad's co-star.

All in all, this is really different, really engaging, and really well done, thanks particularly to Sustad, Brotherton, director Weaver, and writer Goldstein. The best of the new 2022 Hallmark holiday season so far.
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