I disagree with most of the reviews here.
16 October 2022
Yep. There was nothing wrong with Halloween Ends. Just because it's not the story people expected or maybe wanted doesn't make it bad. Was it my favorite of the the Halloweens ?, no of course not. I did like the story premise and thought it was executed well. I would have liked more Halloween night atmosphere though, that's my personal preference and favorite part of the original. I wish some producers, somewhere, would put in a serious effort to increase the atmosphere of the next Halloween installment. I would definitely rank this higher in my Halloween list if there was some real creepy Halloween night buildup. I completely understand the movie taking a different direction/approach. I mean seriously they have to change up the story or we'd end up with the same movie repeatedly. The home critics on here definitely think they could create a better installment, as always. I'm glad I don't watch movies based on other's opinions. I will always support filmmakers trying to give the fans more of the movies we love.
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