Ghost Recon: Breakpoint (2019 Video Game)
A hard review to make
29 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I completed this game about 6 months ago. And I am currently playing Wildlands which I hear from most is superior. So I'm going to compare both games since one has been far more successful than the other.

I'm gonna start with the good things I have to say. I really liked the opening moments of the game. Going into a mission with not much info and then proceeding to get blown out of the sky by some kind of new unknown drone tech. It was a really great opening and made you feel very outmatched and desperate.

The graphics and mechanics are perfect for a ghost recon game. It keeps the same movement system from Wildlands but adds more layers. Slipping and sliding down hillsides, rolling in the mud to camouflage, and more dynamic character movements in diverse environments makes for an immersive experience. The sound design and small environmental details also add so much to the overall atmosphere.

I also liked the dialogue and some emotional moments the game had between characters. A lot of it seemed real and well done with the actors.

Now the negatives. The island Aurora is so boring. The landscape is bland and doesn't have enough Variety. Buildings felt copied and pasted and the bad guys felt like the same basic dude every single time.

It's also way too easy. Unless you go into the settings beforehand and purposefully make the game more difficult, it'll be very easy and tedious. Wildlands has been far more difficult and this game basically copied most aspects but didn't make them as good. It just feels bland and doesn't feel like much love and care were put into it.

The story is lifeless. I love John Bernthal but sadly he's wasted in this. He could have been a good conflicted-villain and us players feel conflicted about killing him or what's he's trying to accomplish. But he just dies at the end and it's like eh? Do I really care?

Aurora has cool technology, but oh no bad guy took over, now you shoot and kill everybody until problem is solved. You spend the game wasting thousands of goons and not feeling as if you're REALLY the good guy. The game also gives you the option to knock enemies out but they just die anyways? Wouldn't have been interesting to let the player choose to kill or spare enemies? And maybe that would affect your experience? Wouldn't it be awesome if you took out an enemy base or checkpoint and when you come back to the location it's deserted or taken over by friendlies? And maybe if you capture more enemies you can find out more intel that can help you along the process.

Honestly it just felt kinda lazy. They improved enough to make it feel "fresh" and "new" but it just feels like a downgrade with fancy makeup on. I really hope the next one steps up and makes something really good.
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