Not Okay (2022)
Everybody needs to see this
30 August 2022
'Not Okay' is a satirical take on influencer culture, and a contemplative, dark comedy about social media personalities, for whom, life revolves around likes, comments, and media attention. For whom, their entire existence relies upon the number of followers they have on their Instagram on TikTok. Being a motivator, and an inspiration for millions of people is not wrong but the harsh fact is, not everybody is truthful, and not everyone represents their 'Real' selves!

'Not Okay' not only sheds some light on those 'pretentious' sections of the crowd, but it also makes us aware of all the lies deceptions, and fabrications perpetrated by such persons. You wouldn't believe, what some people could do to earn some additional 'Likes' on their posts, to gain some 'sympathy' from the audience. They could go to unimaginable lengths to achieve their ambitions, to fulfill their appetite to get 'Famous', to be an Internet Phenomenon!

But the tragedy is, truth never stays hidden, it will eventually come out one day and you have to face severe consequences for your previous actions. Internet may bring people together, may tie us all down by a singular thread but It can also be the 'Unkindest'. The same internet that had brought you limitless stardom could end the very same in seconds. All the things that floated you above, may as well bring you down to the ground at any given moment. And that's the grim reality we all have to accept.

And this movie attempts to showcase just that! With a fairly engaging Screenplay & remarkable performances (by both Zoey Deutch and Mia Isaac) this story acts as a lesson for both these influencers and for the ordinary 'netizens' who get infatuated with all the glitz & glamour of social media but tend to neglect the darker aspects!

I'm in no way suggesting this was a flawless execution, just as always, there are a couple of unquestionable weaknesses but I think this is a movie that everyone needs to watch at least once in their life. Especially for 'Millennials'; I hope they would get to learn a lesson or two.

P. S. Zoey Deutch is criminally underrated, she may not always get her due recognition but man! I have to say, she's one helluva performer!
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