A Bad Son (1980)
Bad seed?
22 August 2022
It was the first time since "Max et les ferrailleurs "(1971) that Claude Sautet had left the bourgeois milieu for the working class people ;with the exception of the bookseller,an educated man :and even him is part (remember the film was made 42 years ago)of the margins of society ,because of his homosexuality (treated with a great sense of modesty).

The cast is not Sautet's usual suspects;and in this context , they are well chosen:Yves Robert as the blue collar father ,whose son is a bad lot (check the title),because his hasty departure "killed his poor mother" ; but further acquaintance shows that this daddy is not the noble samaritan whose only concern was to take care of a dying wife. Claire Maurier , par excellence the determined woman ,perhaps the only character who has kept some kind of joie de vivre ; the emigrated worker , an exiled , par excellence a man who lives of the fringes of a society not prepared to accept him ,and who becomes the hero's best friend. The gay bookseller ,fond of opera -the only touch of the privileged life Sautet had depicted so many times in the seventies (Cesar,Rosalie ,Vincent,François ,Paul,Mado et les autres ,'in danger of despair" ,to quote the director himself a propos his 1974 effort)- acts like an adoptive father,not only for Bruno but also for Catherine ,an ex-junkie ,so-called clean but extremely frail ; Catherine is probably the weakest link of the chain : badly written :the sullen grumpy girl who inevitably falls in the hero's arms ,how many time has the average viewer seen that, since "it happened one night" (1934);Brigitte Fossey was a memorable child actress ("jeux interdits "= forbidden games) who resumed her career when she became an adult ;she's perhaps too cerebral in this context.....

But it's no coincidence if Sautet paired her with Patrick Dewaere ,himself a child actor on stage,whose brilliant career was brutally interrupted when he committed suicide :it was a major loss for the French cinema ;no other actor was at once frail and strong as he was and he was not replaced in this field ;his hangdog looks , his eyes are always longing for something he's always denied ;with the exception of Romy Schneider -who disappeared in 1982 ,like him- no other actor moved me more deeply than him in Sautet's movies.

Dewaere portrays a looser,an ex-convict who spent five years in an American jail for drug-trafficking and comes back to his native land to find his father apparently compassionate but cold and resentful ,a country in a state of crisis where unemployment runs rampant ; the ending is not that much optimistic as certain critics claim ; it is an open one, and it rather indicates that the fight has only begun for Bruno.
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