Wins the award for most misleading English title
21 August 2022
Alain Resnais directed the French film Vous n'avez encore rien vu (2012). Google Translate gives us, "You Have Not Seen Anything Yet." That's not a great title, but "You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet" is even worse. It sounds like a movie about a Country and Western band, but it isn't. (It really, really isn't.)

A famous director has died, and in his will, he calls together a group of veteran actors to watch a film of the play Eurydice. All of the actors have appeared in this play, and as they watch a new production on a screen, the start to repeat their lines of this play that they remember from their youth.

To say that the movie is unique doesn't really do it justice. It's certainly one of a kind. A friend, very familiar with French culture, said, "It's a very French movie."

The film has a weak IMDb rating of 6.4. I agreed, and rated it 6.

Reviewer's P. S. We saw the film at the Dryden Theatre in Rochester's George Eastman Museum. The Dryden collaborated with Pegasus Early Music by showing four films about the Orpheus legend in August 2022. Pegasus is staging Monteverdi's L'Orfeo 8/26,27,28. A musician and soprano from Pegasus gave a short concert before the movie.
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