Review of The Bear

The Bear (2022– )
It tries too hard and is so loud
21 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was really excited when I saw 8.5 stars for this, but now that I've made it to the end, I think it's a disappointing show. It tries so hard to be a gritty, white tender underbelly, blow-your-mind with moments of raw humanity type of drama, but it misses the mark. Everything feels so forced and unnatural. And my God, the yelling. I muted it multiple times just to not have to listen to these whiny little babies try to outscream each other.

"You stare at the fire and think this place could burn down and my anxiety would burn down with it." - this line made me cringe. It's like open mic at a bad poetry slam and someone blew their own mind with their profundity and thought, "Oh, this has got to go in a movie, this is too good."

Everyone calling each other Chef at the end of every sentence they utter? So pretentious and phony. I think it was trying to be revolutionary and break down the chains of hierarchy or something, but it also made me cringe.

I just found it hard to care about any of these characters. They were so loud and annoying and childish. It's a sandwich shop, you loud babies! You'd think they were performing open heart surgery or colonizing Mars. I just didn't care about any of their struggles and I wasn't rooting for any of them.

And Tina being the hardened older lady with a chip on her shoulder because she has to answer to someone much younger? And all she needs is for Sydney to mutter under her breath "this tastes good" one time and suddenly her attitude problem is completely fixed? OK, sure.

Honestly, the only thing I really cared about was Marcus' donuts and I was dying to see a reveal of the pantone color masterpiece he was working on.
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