Day Shift (2022)
The 90s are back... Sort of...
12 August 2022
It must now have been long enough that the 90s action films are considered "classics" as this is one of those good time movies that could have been released in 1996 alongside From Dusk Till Dawn... Although I just don't think the professional screen writers are currently hitting the mark... I mean we have the technology... Unsane was filmed on an iPhone 6 a few years back...!!! But it all comes down the story, great actors and directors can't really fix that...?!!

I wish more studios, like this film however, were not afraid to give a good new action flick an R18+ Rating so the action can be turned up to 11... It wastes no time setting up the premise and utilises CGI to enhance the creature effects and action sequences well.

It's not a perfect film by any means... But it knows what it is trying to be... the story, the dialogue and the writing in general are average. But you do get... Crazy characters, a good guy trying to make ends meet, some comedy and lead character banter, Just some 'ol B-grade good fun really...

It's a shame though, just like with 'Night Teeth' or 'Project Power' the potential is there... But we end up with a fairly generic throwaway action comedy...
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