An adventure film with little in the way of excitement and energy.
7 July 2022
"Smugler's Island" is the sort of adventure film you might watch and soon after forget that you ever saw it in the first place. It's because the film is incredibly mediocre...neither good nor bad...just a very standard adventure story and no more. I can't help but wonder if perhaps the cast had been different (such as Robert Mitchum playing Jeff Chandler's role) or a re-write might have helped.

Steve (Chandler) is an American expatriate who lives in Macao, a colony on the coast of China that was controlled by Portugal until 1999. There he makes money doing odd jobs with his boat. However, in the case of Vivian Craig (Evelyn Keyes), she wants him to do something VERY dangerous and potentially VERY rewarding. She wants him to use his boat and diving equipment to retrieve $200,000 in missing gold. But there turn out to be several important things she failed to mention...such as her being married. She also doesn't mention that some very bad people are likely to get in their way!

While the movie is okay, one scene in particular is among the worst I've seen in recent memory. Vivian is angry at Steve and slaps him. He slaps her back! But soon the pair have a liplock on each other that is one of the most passionate kissing scenes you can imagine...just after the two slapped each other! Talk about weird!

As for the rest of the film, it features some decent diving sequences and action...but also Marvin Mitchell playing an Asian guy! His accent is actually pretty good, but Mitchell looks about as Asian as Ricardo Montalban! Overall, a film that really looks as if Univesal Pictures really wasn't trying very hard....just trying to get it done and then on to the next project.
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