Interesting Finger Food
15 May 2022
She Never Died: Sort of sequel or sidequel to He Never Diied. Same scenario, Lacey is immortal and indestructible, plucks bullets from her flesh. She likes finger food, human fingers. She clashes with a people trafficking organisation and raids a building where they are producing snuff films. She teams up with a detective who has been investigating the cases where she has left partially eaten bodies in her wake. He is more interested in taking down the people-trafficking ring leaders. So she sets off to combat and eat these villains. But this dynamic duo may have bitten off more than they can chew.

Extremely violent and gory, not for the squeamish. Some good fight scenes and Lacey even rescues a pitbull terrier, fortunately for him she's not into hotdogs. Again some supernatural forces become involved. Directed by Audrey Cummings and written by Jason Krawczyk. On the Horror Channel. 7/10.
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