Fear the Walking Dead (2015–2023)
Legitimately the dumbest scripted show on television.
17 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show was never as good as the original Walking Dead before it. In fact, it has always been *very* stupid. I mean, Travis and Madison literally see someone rise from the dead in the first episode but for the next few episodes act like they don't even believe zombies are real and they question what the military is telling people. Despite these kinds of dumb things, the show at least started off *kinda* decent. However, after the departure of Kim Dickens in season 4, this show has gotten dumber and dumber with each new episode. Here's just a few of the hilariously stupid things seen since then...

1) Zombies literally flying through the air during a hurricane - with some of the worst CGI I've seen outside of Syfy original movies - landing on rooftops, crashing through windows, etc. This was so dumb it was kinda funny at least.

2) One of the characters has a direct line of communication to God himself and can pray for anything to happen and it will. There's a moment where this character is cornered by a zombie and is likely going to die so he falls to his knees and starts to pray. God says "I got you bro" and a lightning bolt splits the sky and strikes the zombie, blowing it apart. I did not make this up. This literally happens.

3) There's a moment where they need to kill two zombies but only have one bullet and an axe. Now, what do you think is the best possible way to try to kill two zombies with one bullet and an axe? If you said: "split the bullet with the axe to kill both zombies at the same time in a really super awesome trick shot aided by awful special effects!" Then congratulations! You'd fit right in on this stupid show!

4) They fly a hot air balloon shaped like a beer bottle. Yup.

5) Nuclear bombs were detonated that caused surprisingly little damage and seemingly did nothing but tint the show yellow for a handful of episodes. For a little while everyone in the show was protecting themselves by wearing gas masks and radiation suits that *somehow* they already had laying around for just this situation - nobody wears them now unless it's essential for a lame plot point involving not seeing somebody's face.

6) We're also meant to believe they protected their cars from the nuclear fallout by simply duct taping cling wrap to the windows. Furthermore they go scrounging for food in grocery stores that, while mostly empty, still have some convenient cans of food left over after all these years in a zombie apocalypse - never does anyone mention that this food would be ruined from the radiation, but since the radiation also doesn't seem to ever make any of the people (or their horses) sick, I guess that makes the kind of sense that doesn't.

7) They encounter a character who is apparently a former tag team wrestler of some kind. They travel with her to find her husband (who was her tag team wrestling partner). They go to the wrestling ring where they were supposed to meet after the nukes fell, only to find that he has been turned into a walker and she has to kill him. This is a genuinely touching moment and it almost feels intentionally dramatic and real. So naturally they end the episode by pulling zombies into the wrestling ring and doing various wrestling moves on them to kill them all - throwing them into the ropes and clotheslining them, suplex, pile drivers, flying drop kicks off the ropes - you name it, a zombie dies by it.

8) Alicia gets bit by a walker and cuts her arm off but suffers with a fever afterward for who knows how long. Instead of taking some antibiotics to combat the likely infection she has, she is convinced she's slowly turning into a walker herself. But that's not even the dumb part. The dumb part is that she saved her severed arm, let all the flesh rot off of it, and strapped the skeletal remains onto her stump. She now walks around with a half skeleton arm that she uses to stab walkers because apparently her skeletal remains are strong enough to do that sort of thing without snapping.

9) Alicia encounters a deaf musician in an isolated house. He blasts music super loud all the time just so he can feel the vibrations. We're told this doesn't attract the walkers because he has "sound-proofed" the house so he can blast his music as loud as he wants. This so-called "sound-proofing" is literally just a mattress leaned against a window.

10) Later in the same episode, this same deaf musician fires a 6 shooter revolver 10 times without reloading. He also loudly blasts his music to fight bad guys because apparently if they can't hear him they can't shoot him or Alicia (or something dumb like that). He also plays the bagpipes so that Alicia can escape - because she has a little known superpower that renders her invisible when bagpipes are playing.

I have barely even touched on the colossally stupid things in this show.

I hate this show. I seriously absolutely hate it. It's the dumbest thing on television by a mile. And yet, I can't stop watching. This is the only show I've ever hate watched. I hope it never ends.
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