MMORPG'ers Must WAtch
26 March 2022
If you're expecting Sword. Art Online, this is nothing like it. On the other hand if you play any form of ONLINE GAMES, more importantly any Multi-Player Games then this is an Anime you Must Watch and if you're not laughing by the end of the first episode then you need to get a sense of humor. Maple is a Newbie 100%, she barely understands multi-player or fantasy games, What she does want is not to take any damage, she doesn't want to get hurt. So she makes a character who tries not to get hurt. So she plays her way which is EXTREMELY UNORTHODOX. She solves solutions most season veterans would never think of and in doing so creates anomalies in the game. She has an uncanny luck factor on her side, such as finding hard to find quest items & quests, She does the unexpected and comes out on top.

Maple is the most fun I've had watching someone else play an MMORPG and that said PLEASE WATCH THIS ANIME. You will soon fall in love with Maple, Sally, Syrup & Orobus. The other characters she meets along the way and joins her guild are like her in some ways. A Common phrase heard is: "I'm glad she's on our side"

Sit back and enjoy this first season of."BOFURI: I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense."
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