some form of not so rare maturity is in conflicts with the most common form of immaturity ...
2 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
And that's when things may or may not work right for either party involved in a romantic relationship ...

yes, the woman here is abusive, compulsive, controlling, obsessive, manipulative and all that perhaps ... she's even quite tall with a towering height for the 'average' woman ... but she also holds the upper hand in being more mature, knowledgeable, creative and all than the little guy who's still playing silly childish games with his chums ... the woman does that too at times, but well, she's also still quite young after all ...

and believe it or not, 'love' does require some sacrifice, doesn't it ... if the young man truly wants this lovely woman, then so be it, now you have to accept her terms ... does she want too much? Fine! Then just leave her in a polite friendly manner without breaking her heart or being cruel (she loves you too, remember?) and go on living your own childish suicidal *Nirvana* lifestyle ... at least, she does accept her own faults and weaknesses just as well, doesn't she? She is willing to work on herself, so why not you too!?

The only question, however, is, why in the first place this 'superior' woman falls for such an 'inferior' kind of man?

If it's just a passing short fling, then why do both of them want to go on doing it with a newborn child on the way too? And why doesn't the man realize that he is the more quiet introvert one when it comes to discussing big and small matters in the couple's life, while the extrovert she is willing to talk about everything and make all things clear among the two?

Personally, after having gone through nearly three decades of living with a woman who has quietly manipulated me all along, (with me allowing, rather even encouraging her to do so!) i'd rather deal with a woman like the one in this move, who doesn't hide behind a huge thick veil of silence playing innocent ...

i'd rather deal with a woman who opens up her mouth and if needed, insults me too, but also talks her heart out and lets me know what's going on ... yes, she is so badly mistaken at times (because she just needs a husband and doesn't care who it's going to be as long as he's there for her?) but again, she does accept her flaws without forgetting that she's not the only flawed person in this relationship ... isn't that what the guy should do too? But even in the end she doesn't quite understand what's going on as he's still into sports (as a 'professional' fan mostly) and bars and that kind of juvenile stuff ... nothing wrong with that of course but that's barely what the woman likes to do and be ...

so, please pay full attention and listen dear young man: if she's not your type, then you're not her type either!

So, either just grow up and accept her with all her weaknesses (yes, she's strong, but she also does suffer from certain missed items!) or again, as said already, simply let go of her, forgive both her and yourself, and go on your own merry way as before! She may feel lost for a while but she's mature and brave enough not to be hurt badly!
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