The Spark is Missing
21 February 2022
Where to start. First off, it's definitely good to see Tommy back and I'm glad hes getting a fresh start BUT the show isn't even close to being as interesting as Power or Book II (I cant speak on Book III since I still havent finished it). It's even a bit boring at times in these first couple of episodes.

Like Jamie and even Tariq, Tommy is a very interesting character but the difference is Jamie and Tariq also had an excellent supporting cast of characters in their story and Tommy just doesn't have that. They have potential but a but of the spark is missing with the cast as a whole.

The location is also a bit of a hindrance for me. It should've taken place in L. A. or somewhere colorful to give it more of a glamorous and different asthetic for Tommy. The grainy look of the show makes it feel dreary and I think Tommy deserves better than that. Even the city lights at night look bland in the show.

The locations is a done deal but I hope the character stuff improves in the second half of the season.
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