Don't believe in fairy tales
2 February 2022
My heart goes out to the young women who were used by this swindler. Losing money through fraud is hard enough, but the man broke their hearts. Also, because he was a professional thief, the fear of being more victimized will never leave them.

Conmen have always been with us, but never in history has it been so easy for them to find their marks. They don't need to find a Doris Duke or Kim Kardashian. With the internet providing all the background they need on potential victims and dating applications proving a pond of lonely victims, they just have to pull the same con again and again.

This film does a great job of showing who the victims are, who the conman is, and how the con works. It underscores the complication of trying to prosecute the criminals across the world, and how police are hampered by language, law, and the intimacy of the relationships. It shows that the conman has the upper hand, and will keep doing it again and again.

Please, look behind the profiles of people you meet on social media. Romcoms are not real. There is no Prince Charming, and you aren't Cinderella. Do a background check, and, if he asks for money, run (don't walk) in the opposite direction. Do not lend money.

And, again, a conman is a sociopath. And a conman who gets his own Netflix show is a conman who is really good at it.

This show is less "shocking" than "predictable." Dogs bark. Conmen steal.
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