No Vivien Leigh Film Should Be Lost
23 January 2022
To all extents and purposes this film adaptation of Rattigan's arguably most famous play is lost. It was also written by Rattigan himself which gives it extra value as it broadens out the drama and uses flashbacks which could not be used on the stage, showing the growing relationship between the two lovers played by Vivien Leigh ( an extraordinary performance ) and Kenneth More as her weak willed lover. Emlyn Williams plays her unimaginative husband and he too stands out as being just right for the role. In fact the whole cast is excellent and Moira Lister is almost a match for Vivien Leigh in her gossipy role of a neighbour who tries to help when Hester ( Vivien Leigh ) tries to kill herself. The performance that is equal to Vivien Leigh is that of a struck off doctor played superbly by the great actor Eric Portman, and in the penultimate scene of the film he gives a light of hope in the darkness of the play which is both wise and moving. That this underrated film may have been too downbeat for audiences and perhaps critics alike is sadly possible in 1955, but for an audience of today the complexities of physical passion and love could be fully understood. So why has it not been put on to DVD ? There must be a good copy out there as it was shown at the National Film Theatre in recent years. So again who is sitting on it and why are no distributors interested ? I possess a poor copy of it in drained out colour, jump cuts and yet despite this the film glows and resonates. No Vivien Leigh film should be forsaken like this; especially a film of her last years when her acting was at its finest. Personally I find this loss shameful and should be rectified as soon as possible.
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