John Wick (2014)
John Wick: MUST LOVE DOGS.....and Burn the Candle at BOTH Ends!
26 December 2021
Wow! Does anyone remember ROLLING THUNDER? Late 70's movie starring William Devane.... Back then you had to brutally rape and kill the lead's wife and murder his kids, to boot, to justify arousing blood-lust sympathy from the audience! AhhhhhBut the Times, They are a Changin'! It's 2015! You steal a guy's Classic Mustang and kill his 300,000+ LIKES on Facebook cute dog and watch out!....Hell hath no fury.! REVENGE 101!

Shame on me, I guess, for being such a sucker for dog flicks that, based on the rash of promo interviews Mr. Reeves did for WICK, I, too, thirsted to see the little pooch avenged!

HmmmmI think I got more than I bargained for. Now it's crystal clear to me (AGAIN!) why I almost always refrain from revenge movies, or, for that matter, from the "ACTION" (Read: Violent) Genre in general! In one of these promo interviews, Keanu bragged that he killed 87 people in the course of this 93 minute (Till Credits) movieYou can do the Math Nearly 1 Body Bag per Minute! Gee, Keanu.... You had me at Number 4! O. K., So why the 6* Rating? Fair enough question! The Original Music, by Tyler Bates is nothing short of phenomenal! Look at his IMDb BIO! It is very impressive! From a technically crafted standpoint, WICK is truly excellent.

I couldn't help but notice Eva Longoria receiving Number One Producer Credit here. My hat is off to her! She really knows what elements (Although they're not really MY elements!) are needed to forge both a real crowd-pleaser (75% of viewers rated this 7 Stars or more on IMDb!) and a solid box office success! WICK grossed over 43 Million, more than double its production cost! The cinematography was inspired, at times even artistic. The sound and sound mixing were at least a cut above your average Hollywood movie, which, to be honest, is really saying a lot! And other visual elements, such as sets, costumes and locations were all impressive.

Absolutely must get one other thing off my chest. Despite the numerous fight scenes being extremely well choreographed and the endless gun- play having been blocked out meticulously... AND having sat down to watch with rather low expectations, WICK stretched Suspension of Belief well beyond the breaking point! Perhaps we should add Fantasy to Action, Thriller in the introductory genre description! Still, for those of you who are ACTION junkies, and I know there are a lot of you out there...It is a sure bet you will end up in that 75% I referred to a bit earlier!

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