In the Earth (2021)
More evidence of how pretentious modern cinema has become which explains why nobody goes anymore.
22 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, in the hundred plus years that movies have existed, practically every plot has been explored more than a dozen times each, and sometimes I go too far in exploring new ideas through visuals that are just repulsive and turns the viewer off. Outside of a few big historical epics and special effects blockbusters made particularly for teens, movies just aren't accessible to the average audience anymore. It seems that flmmakers are going out of their way to make audiences feel less than intelligent while they are the real geniuses, and that is why the average movie goer of the past just snickers when the bulk of these kinds of movies fail both critically and financially.

Give me the Val Lawton produced shockers of the 40's or the Hammer horror or John Carpenter films in the 1980's. Even the lamest of the universal B horror films was more enjoyable than this, another claim that the woods hold a lot of evil and we should stay out of them if we want to retain our sanity or not run into the most horrible of situations. It takes forever for this to get off the ground with bland scientists Joel Fry and Ellora Torchia being abducted by wackadoodle Reece Shearsmith while searching for a missing scientist. As the explanation of why this is happening is revealed, all credibility is lost and chances are by the time these explanations come out, the audience has completely lost interest.

It's another case of gross visuals occurring for pointless shock value, a painfully tepid pacing and leading characters who have absolutely no personality. The mention of some sort of pandemic has really no purpose other than to reflect what was going on in the world. It's like the film is dead on arrival from the first moment, broken up by blackouts between scenes that sometimes seem to be eternal. This is one of those films that is a miracle to even make it an hour into. I thought at first it would be interesting to watch because Fry does haave an interesting aura, but unfortunately, he got suckered into a film that on the surface may have seemed interesting, but revealed little below. 2021 was difficult enough to get through without having to suffer through something this maudlin.
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