Boiling Point (I) (2021)
A tension riddled restaurant thriller
19 December 2021
You wouldn't think a film set in a kitchen over one fateful night would be the stuff of white knuckle tension but in adapting their short film of the same name for a feature length affair, director Philip Barantini and his star Stephen Graham have crafted one of 2021's most sweat inducing rides that is a technical accomplishment as well as a storytelling one, that is sure to make you reevaluate the life of busy kitchen/restaurant.

Filmed in one long continuous take that only ratchets up the uneasy vibes and hectic nature of chef Andy Jones and his restaurants staff workload, Boiling Point never lets up from the moment we and Andy first walk through the door of his establishment and confront a health inspector that sets up a busy night in the worst way possible that will bring everything to a head in a life changing way as the night goes on.

On a hot streak at the moment with 2021 giving him some of his most notable roles yet in the likes of underrated TV shows The North Water and Time and memorable Covid-19 themed TV movie Help, Stephen Graham is a revelation here as Andy with the well liked performer bringing his famed intensity and vulnerability to the flawed chef who is clearly not in a good state personally or professionally as he tries to keep his head above water with mounting problems weighing him down every chance they get.

A clear standout in the acting stakes, everyone involved in Boiling Point gives it a good go even if because of the nature of these one take films you do sometimes feel like reactions or moments are slightly off with the ensemble unable to request a simple retake on their scenes but as a whole, Barantini and his cast and crew have crafted a far above average TV film that pushes itself to achieve something great rather than take the easy options it could've easily taken.

Sticking to its guns and offering an unflattering yet no doubt honest depiction of modern day chef work, restaurant management and the pressures of work life many face on a day to day basis, Boiling Point might not exactly be feel good material but it's a thrilling exercise nonetheless.

Final Say -

Offering an unrelenting viewing experience that's anchored by the always great Stephen Graham, Boiling Point is a sizzling dramatic thriller that offers a fascinating insight to the restaurant sub-culture.

4 water bottles out of 5

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