Review of Hurt

Hurt (2018)
it HURT sitting through this complete snorefest
12 December 2021
Im sorry but this movie absolutely sucked... it would have more fun watching paint dry.

First off I couldn't get invested in the characters. The lead came off as irritating and the boyfriend? Well It's implied he has ptsd but even when he's not having his episodes of sweating while looking in the mirror he's just completely gone and seems like he's in another world. These two have no chemistry whatsoever even when they are getting along. Nobody seems to blend well with anybody i think that's the point but it's irritating. I just didn't feel interested in them and couldn't care less about either of them or what would happen to them.

This film starts and goes at a snail's pace and is very uneventful and i get it, they live boring lives and nothing happens where they live but did the audience need to be bored to death in the process with them? I swear i almost slipped into a coma due to lack of stimulus during this movie.

I get it was done to build up the suspense for the climatic ending but the ending is also very boring so it really doesn't work. All you've done is made a really boring movie with a boring ending.

By the time it gets to the fairground point we pretty much get shown what's going to happen and whose responsible so what the point of boring everybody to death for over an hour with nothing if that's how sloppy you introduce the bad guys ?? You could have just made a normal slasher film.

Obviously This isn't a masterpiece in film making history, its trying to make out its something but the plot is garbage and no matter how many dumb longshots of houses or fields you slap in trying to be artsy and edgy it's not going to save it. Its boring and dull and you aren't in film school anymore so cut it out.

I don't care about the point the director was trying to get across with this either. I'm not interested in the films message or bothered the meaning about the masks. I'm not interested because i'm not invested. For a solid hour or so i sat there bored off my face expecting this great twist coming up or something amazing as a payoff for the long boring time i had to endure the mess of a plot that i was made to watch and all i got was an ending that was cheesy and boring and i'm supposed to care about the directors little subtle nods are . Pffft please.

There's nothing smart or special about this film the plot is box standard and tbh pretty stupid. The characters are irritating and boring and editing and long wide shots are just as boring. And the final act is the most pathetic attempt at a horror/slasher/thriller or whatever they were trying to accomplish i've ever witnessed because the minute i saw the words "look" written on a wall in blood multiple times around a door frame with bloody arrows accompanying them pointing to the same door. I just lost it make it worse she just follows the instructions and walks through the door like an idiot .i just gave up all hope trying to figure out what this movie was supposed trying to be. It honestly felt like something out of looney toons.

This movie clearly tries to be something it isn't. It tries to come across as artistic and deep or a new age kinda film but it's really just a bargain bin slasher film tarted up trying to fit in with the art crowd.

Avoid this!!! It's not deep or meaningful there is no unnerving feeling about it like it claims. Its boring and stale and unimaginative.
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