Bingo Hell (2021)
Possibly the worst movie ever made by Blumhouse
24 November 2021
There is absolutely nothing to commend this movie, and it's a massive disappointment coming from Blumhouse. I have no idea what demographic Amazon thought it would attract that it was willing to invest in this drivel.

I realize that this is intended to be a sendup of B horror movies. However, the movie is truly worse than the movies that it's attempting to satire. For instance, there is no subtlety or nuance to the acting that might suggest wit is in play. Every mannerism, every syllable, and every expression is overblown, and not in a fun, campy way. The incessant shouting of each sentence makes you wonder how the actors are able to continue at this level without eventually passing out from lack of oxygen. The furrowed brows, curled lips, and flared nostrils are so grossly rendered that the faces appear to be viewed from the wrong end of a telescope.

The composer of the soundtrack must have received the same memo, since each scene features soaring violins, loud brass waah waah waahs, and dissonant clarinets bleating staccato into the mix. Watching the performance will quickly wear you out, just as you would become physically exhausted from listening to two hours of polkas at full blast.

The cast appears to have been randomly selected from an AARP membership directory. No one demonstrates any talent other than the ability to maintain an offensively exaggerated accent consistent with the actor's "Black," "Hispanic" or "Italian" ethnicity. The script religiously adheres to these same stereotypes, with racial cliches appearing in literally every sentence. Until I saw this movie, I didn't know that older Hispanic women prefer to utter every other word in English (eye roll).

With the acting, scenery and script beating you about the face for attention, you may not initially notice that this "horror" movie does not contain a single moment inspiring fear. This banal tripe lacks even a single jump scare. Don't mistake the "hipsters are taking over our neighborhood " plot line for a heartwarming drama, either. You'll quickly join the wrecking crew in razing the houses and building a coffeehouse for dogs on every corner so that you never have to watch this movie again.
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