Review of Ingobernable

Ingobernable (2017– )
Promising start, but does not deliver
24 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Episode one of this series definitely has the promise of an interesting and exciting story, but already at episode two the story falls apart. From then on the scenario is full of plot holes and has some of the worst acting and dialogues I've ever seen. The numerous sex scenes are maybe nice for those who like that, but generally they are just a waste of time as they add nothing to the story.

Other than that, also this series has scenes and subplots that really make no sense at all. A group of complete amateurs raids a military secret prison without any preparation and (partially) succeed and kill all of the soldiers. Really?

Credibility is also an issue in this series. Some amateur 'hacker' who all of a sudden is able to decrypt encrypted files and hack into surveillance cameras and is able to handle a full automatic weapon successfully simple by what he has learned from games? Come on.

At numerous times there are timing mismatches. A mother having sex with her new found friend as she should be on her way to her daughter whom she wants to see so desperately. Really.

I gave it a chance up until episode 11, but gave up. I can only think of one positive thing: generally nice photography. That however is far from enough to keep you going.
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