fun but disappointing
1 October 2021
I had a good time with this movie. It's fun and pretty funny with some entertaining action.

It's also very messy with regards to the story, action and dialogue. The action isn't as good as the first and neither is the music. The story brings no value. And there were some stupid moments.

I also can't stand that it's not rated R. I could say that about the first, but it did a great job of pushing the limits while also not having too many moments where it was obvious it would have been better with blood. This movie has SOOO many moments where it could have been amazing if they went all out. It felt so censored.

I try to always have no expectations going into a movie. And I knew going in that even though I loved the first one, that doesn't make this one bulletproof. But looking back on it, a movie about carnage could have been so much more. It was underwhelming. Also I wish I got more development from Cletus and Carnage.

One more thing, Tom Hardy and Andy Serkis are awesome. But writing and directing are talents that very few have. I think it shows here and I would have preferred veterans at those crucial positions.

I'll caveat this review by saying I couldn't understand a lot of the dialogue, especially from Venom. We'll see if that changes anything when I watch it with subs.

Edit: I watched it again with subs. It didn't help. Still underwhelming. So many parts just feel off. And some scenes are straight up bad (cooking breakfast scene smh). Changing it from 6 to 5 stars. Sad face. (2 viewings, 9/30/2021, 12/11/2021)
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